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Trans Rights are Human Rights

Statistics show thatbetween 500,000 and two million youth face homelessness yearly in the United States alone. For some, it’s temporary. For others, it will become a way of life. (Source:

Per a 2021 study, CDC stats indicated that perhaps 25% of the country’s high school-aged population identifies as LGBTQ, with the majority identifying as bisexual, 5.2 identifying as questioning, 3.9 as other, 3.2 as gay or lesbian and 1.8% indicating they didn’t understand the question. (Source: CDC)

More than 25% of LGBTQ youth will face homelessness at some point, the risks up to 120% higher than that of their non-LGBTQ peers. These youth are at risk of violence, sexual trafficking and death. The main reason LGBTQ youth end up homeless is due to family conflict, namely due to a lack of acceptance from their families. (Source:

Trans teens who live in a home where they have little to no support face an increased risk of suicidal ideation, with more than 80% having seriously considered suicide and more than 40% making at least one attempt. (Source: PubMed | NIH, Trevor Project, Human Rights Campaign, etc).

However, studies show that LGBTQ youth who have at leastonesupporting adult in their life, be it a parent, a teacher or a trusted friend, have a decrease in suicide attempts of up to 30%. (Source: Trevor Project)

Particularly, trans-affirming care has been shown to decrease suicide risks in trans youth by up to 70%. (Source: Many heargender-affirmingcare and they automatically thinkSURGERY!This isn’t the case. Prepubescent kids donotreceive surgeries.

Gender-affirming care is a process and itstartsat home. It starts by listening to your child and it’s rooted in loving your child.

Critics still fail to understand thatgender-affirming careis all based on age-appropriate actions, starting with those who are younger who voice that they are a gender other than what they were assigned at birth ... simply acknowledging that and respecting it if they vocalize a desire to be addressed by different pronouns or if they have a preferred name, letting them dress in gender-affirming clothing.

This is such a simple thing.

And it can save the lives of the most vulnerable people in our society ... our children.

Read A Prime’s Passion

Eyes down, little wolf...

In her world, the strongwere broken young or they didn’t survive. Eyes down, little wolf, Zee’s father would say.You aren’t strong enough yet.

Zennia Day kept her eyes down and stayed quiet, knowing that one day, she’d escape.

When her chance comes, she finds herself on a road that takes her far from Massachusetts, all the way to North Carolina.
