Page 19 of Crashed

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He wouldn’t.

He could tell just by the way she looked at him that forgiveness would not be granted.

“For what happened,” he said, forcing the words past the knot in his throat. “I...saw you. The day y...Steele had the party. I saw you. Saw you were...pregnant. And I lost it. I should have listened when you called—hell, I should have been at the park like we planned, and waited for you to explain. I didn’t. I’m sorry.”

“Well.” She gave him a brittle smile. “I’m sure you’re glad to getthatoff your chest.”

He did look away then, unable to take that cold expression, especially knowing he was, at least in part, why she’d become that cold, that hard. Eyes burning and chest cracking wide open from the hollow ache that had replaced his heart, he forced himself to look back up—just in time to see her turning away from him.


This time, he didn’t say anything.

She was almost to the elevator when she stopped once more and looked over her shoulder at him.

The icy hardness had left her expression and she met his gaze, the sadness in her eyes so absolute, he would have done anything,anything, to take it away.

“Good-bye, Travis.”

The elevator doors slid open.

A couple stepped out and she slid in, keeping her back to him until the doors closed, hiding her from view before whisking her away, and out of his life once more.

And for the last time, he knew.

He’d never seen her again.

She’d make certain of it.

His heart split completely in two.

Chapter 3

Present Day

“I’mfine!” Travis thought about getting out of the hospital bed to shout the words into his handler’s face but he had a bad feeling he might collapse where he stood.
