Page 42 of Crashed

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Those kisses had made her swoon and sigh.

These kisses threatened to destroy her sanity, while she threw caution to the wind and embraced the long freefall all the way to its very end.

His teeth nipped her lower lip as he tangled his fingers tightly in her hair and tugged, urging her head back.

“Open,” he murmured against her mouth. “Open for me, Iz.”

Anything ...

Whatever he wanted, she thought. She’d give him anything. Everything.

His tongue rubbed over hers and she echoed the caress, insanely pleased when it had him groaning deep in his throat. Raking her nails over his neck, she pressed him closer, while her other hand gripped his hip.

Another shudder wracked him and he broke the kiss to skim his lips along her jaw, the touch delicate, so at odds with the vicious hunger threatening to tear her to pieces—and she could sense the same echoing inside him, too.

And then his mouth came back to hers, soft, seeking ... seducing.

He teased the corner of her lips with his tongue, coaxing her into a dance she’d gladly enjoy—he didn’t even have to ask. When she sank into him, he sucked on her lower lip, the upper one, before finally taking her mouth again in a deep, drugging kiss that had her rocking against him, seeking a deeper contact, although they were pressed as close as they could possibly be without being naked together.

Naked ...

Skin, Isabel thought. She wanted skin.

Grabbing the hem of his shirt, she yanked it up.

And felt Travis stiffen, then recoil.

Chapter 9

Even with the nauseatingpain twisting through him, lust and need were twin lights ablaze inside Travis.

Panting, one hand pressed gingerly to his side, he stared at Isabel.

Awareness drifted in, the hunger in her eyes slowly fading.

But it didn’t die.
