Page 6 of Crashed

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Travis shot his twin a dark look. “Nothing.”

“Bullshit. You’ve been in a mood ever since lunch.” Trey swung his legs over the side of the bed. “What’s the deal? Your girl not here yet?”

Travis glared at him. He’d never outrighttoldTrey about Isabel. Hadn’t needed to, really, because his twin knew. The one time Trey had asked for information on whoever it was that had him twisted up, Travis told him the truth.

“I love her. We’re going to get married as soon as she graduates high school.”Travis and Trey had both already graduated and were in college—a couple of years early.“Don’t go running and tell Mom or Dad, though. Her dad is psycho—seriously psycho and if he hears anything about it, he’ll hurt her.”

“If he’s crazy, why not call the cops?”

“Because her dad is a US District Attorney, man. He’s a dick and he’s crazy, but nobody will listen if I just call the cops without any proof. She’s afraid he’ll hurt her family and none of the cops will listen if I just try to report him. I can’t risk him hurting her.”

“I told you not to talk about her,” he said now, keeping his voice low, although it was just the three of them there at their parents’ vacation house just outside of Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Zane was in Europe ... somewhere, waiting tables in Italy, hiking the Alps, taking pictures in France or eating stinky cheese. Travis had no idea.

Sebastien was spending the night with one of the kids he’d become friends with during their numerous summers here.

Zach was probably online chatting with Abby, which meant he wasn’t aware of anything, or anybody, else.

Their dad had surprised their mom with a getaway to a B&B for just the two of them their first three nights in the Cape Cod area, so for the first time, it was just the three brothers.

Trey rolled his eyes but held up his hands. “Okay, okay. I’m just wondering what’s wrong, man.”


“Bullshit.” Trey scowled. “Look, if you don’t want to talk, fine. Tell me. But don’t lie to me, okay?”

Guilt twisted his gut and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, Trey. I’m just in a shitty mood, alright? That’s the truth, too—no lie.” He wasn’t going to go into detail, though. He trusted his twin, but his gut was in knots about what that Hawkins guy had said earlier.

He needed to talk to Isabel but they had just gotten into town a few hours earlier. It would be tomorrow at the earliest before she could get away from the vacation house her father owned.

“I’m going for a run, alright?”

Trey eyed him. “Want company?”

“Nah. I just need to clear my mind.”

Isabel: Dad has a fun-filled day of deep-sea fishing lined up tomorrow.

Can we meet early?

Travis’s heart almostjumped out of his chest when the text came. It was already racing from the three-mile run he’d just taken and now thundered in his chest, the beat brutal.

He’d been waiting to hear from Isabel ever since he woke up that morning—at five fucking a.m.

She’d be here today. Theyalwaysgot to Provincetown on August 2, rain or shine, no matter what.

He knew he wouldn’t see her until tomorrow, at the earliest. But once she was ready, they were leaving this town, getting away from her father, and getting married.

He already had everything planned, from how much money he needed to pay a guy in town to drive them to Boston, to the tickets they’d need to fly out to California—no way could they stay here. Not right away, at least. He already knew his parents would be pissed, but they’d get it, once he talked to them. They’d understand. And Mom could help, too. She might not be some hotshot US District Attorney but shewasstill a lawyer, and she was fucking whip-smart and she had a brain that was almost scary.

His hands were shaking a little as he lifted the phone and read the message again. Another popped up before he could text his reply.

Isabel: Travis, listen. There’s something I need to tell you. It’s really important. I

“Iwhat?” Frowning, he waited, but no other text came.

He texted her after a few minutes of waiting.
