Page 25 of Orc the Halls

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“I don’t know,” she said. “Before I saw you again, Iwouldhave said no.”

He gave her a look that was so vulnerable, it made her stomach turn over again, and it also made her like him more. He drank some tea. “Okay. Something changed?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s nice. You’re…” Whatwashe? She settled on, “It’s harder doing it alone than I thought it would be, maybe.”

“So, you want to use me,” he said into his teacup. “That’s okay. I can handle being useful.”

“No,” she said. “I didn’t mean it like that. If you really want to date, we should, I guess. Just to see how it goes. But the purpose of dating is not to commit to another person immediately, it’s to see if youwantto commit to them, and so that’s what we should do.”

He nodded. “You’re right. We can’t decide it all in a night.”

“No, we can’t,” she said, setting down her tea. “We could, um, we could kiss again or something, just to see how that feels. If you want.”

He laughed. “How do you think it’s going to feel?”

“Okay, Iwantto kiss you, Gunnar Whatever-Your-Last-Name-Is. Do you want to kiss me.”

“Bonde,” he said. “And yes. And also, what’s your last name?”

She told him.

He set down his tea and came for her.

She let him draw her into his arms. Oh, this was nice. He was strong and his skin was warm and he smelled good and she felt good here. She sagged into him.

His lips were thick and warm and sweet against hers.

She grasped a fistful of his shirt and flattened herself into him.

He clutched her close.

She climbed onto him, straddling him on the couch.

He hummed his approval, cupping her backside, crushing her close, parting her lips with his tongue.

She ground against his pelvis. He had an erection. She sometimes read ridiculous romance novels about horny pregnant women, but she’d never met a woman who was actually horny while she was pregnant. She certainly hadn’t been, not with Valdi, not now. Sex was the furthest thing from her mind these days. She usually masturbated once a week or so, but that had stopped since she’d gotten pregnant. All of that had turned off.

But with the feeling of that thick hard cock under Gunnar’s jeans, prominent and insistent, suddenly, she woke up. It felt like it flowed through her, starting at her crotch and traveling through her torso and out her limbs. She gasped into his mouth.

She reached between them and stroked him through his jeans.

He let out a whimper, breaking the contact between their lips. “This is, um, some kiss, Hiljd.”

“You want to fuck me?” she whispered.

“Obviously, but… I mean… should we…?”

“Please fuck me,” she said, her voice going to a higher, pleading tone.

He groaned. “Whatever you want.” He stood up, both of his hands going under her ass, holding her against him. He just picked her up as she was clinging to him, like it was nothing.

She touched his face. “You’re very strong.”

“Am I?” He was giving her a look of adoration. “Can I take you to my bed?”

“Please do,” she said.

He did. His bedroom was just as bare as the rest of the place. His bedspread was white. His headboard was black. He liked black and white, didn’t he?
