Page 176 of Rise To Power

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“Any change?” I entered the room with Marco.

Knox sat on the bed, on top of the blanket, with his phone in one hand, and Dee’s hand in the other. Tucked under the blankets, she slept.

I set the clothes on the end of the bed and sat next to Dee. I gently brushed my hand over her hair. “What did the doctor say?”

Knox rubbed his thumb over the back of her small hand. “She freaked out when he tried to examine her.” His gaze met mine. “They fucked with her head. Byrne sold her virginity.” He shook his head. “But I don’t know, even if they didn’t rape her, they still fucked her up.”

Marco stood at the window as dawn crested the horizon. “She’s in shock. The drugs are warping her perception. She’ll need time.”

I bent over her and kissed her cheek. “My dad and brother are going to want to take her home.” I swallowed around the lump in my throat. “I don’t know what to tell them about you,” I said to Knox.

“Tell them nothing,” Marco said, his voice edged with a hardness. “Knox is my man, part of this family.” He turned to Knox. “You need my protection, and I don’t trust anyone with my wife…except you.” His eyes narrowed on me. “Mostly because I don’t have a choice,” he grumbled.

Knox tilted his head and smiled. “Yeah, you can’t win with her. She doesn’t listen for shit.”

“What about Dee?” I asked Marco. Even in her sleep, she clung to Knox.

“I’ll explain to Salvatore that she will be safer here until we know Byrne is dead.”

Marco stepped toward the door and waited for me to join him.

“You gave up everything to help me,” I said to Knox.

“I didn’t give up shit.” He tugged on my hair. “You’ve always been the only good thing in my life.”

“I’ll be up later. You’re home now.” I stood. “You should get some sleep.”

Marco rested his hand low on my back as we walked to the stairs.

“Allegra, my father is dead. My brother…my brother was deceived.” His spine stiffened, and his focus narrowed on the voices coming from the great room. “Lies and treachery have tainted my family.” A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I’ve allowed my enemy into my home, to become a part of this family.”

His voice cut with the ragged edge of a deadly blade.

Emotions boiled in my stomach and crawled up my throat. Did he still hate Knox? “Marco, Knox isn’t your enemy.”

His gaze turned to me. “The same person who betrayed my father attempted to kill Luca. The Irish were never responsible. Luca isn’t dead, but he believed I’d ordered the hit on him. My own brother.”

Breath froze in my lungs as a tidal wave of panic washed over me. “Who—who would want both your father and brother dead? Oh god, and does that mean they’ll come after you?”

He combed his fingers through my hair. “Giada. And I’m more afraid she’ll come after you.”


I stood at the threshold of the reception room with Allegra at my side. Timoteo and Santino chatted in the corner. Orlando, dressed in a black suit and reeking of Bruno power, stood next to them with Emilio at his side. These men, fearless, brutal, and protective, were my capos.

Across the room, don Jilani sat next to Anna. She held his hand, no doubt offering him comfort as he worried about his daughters. I couldn’t promise Deidre would smile the same, or have the same flirtatious laughter, but I vowed all involved in breaking her would suffer in death.

Stefano sat alone, cloaked in the shadow of the room. His darkened gaze narrowed on Giada as he cleaned beneath his fingernails with his knife. My underboss wanted blood.

Patience, brother.

My gaze shifted to Giada, and her focus was on Ant. She took a sip of wine and licked across her upper lip with a sweep of her tongue. A lethal adversary, she conspired to strike where I’d be vulnerable. My consigliere. I intended to keep my enemy close.

The pieces were in place. My family. My rise to power. My reign.

My father left a legacy as a ruthless king, unforgiving and brutal. But he had a treacherous snake at his side.

Whereas I would rule with a queen.
