Page 16 of If Only You Knew

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I decide to lift my head off the blanket to look around, wondering where everyone went. I see two people kissing under a tree close to where our cars are parked. It takes me a minute to realize it’s Beau and Ellie, and my heart does a little flutter for them. I can’t wait to get the skinny on that little turn of events.

Shane grabs my chin and moves my gaze back to him and begins to kiss me again. The warmth from the day is sticking as early evening begins to engulf us. I hear a car start in the distance and drive away, and I have a feeling it is just Shane and I left by the lake. The rest of our friends were tired after finals and celebrating this afternoon. It’s my guess some were headed to the diner, but most were likely headed home.

Luckily my mom did not set an early curfew for me today, knowing I’d be at the lake with Shane and my friends. She had given me a pager in case she ever had to get a hold of me, but last I checked, she simply had paged a quick143, which meantI love you. Most of those types of messages were from Shane on a typical day, but it was always sweet to get messages like that from my mom.

I let my hands glide along Shane’s sides until I reach his swim trunks, and I start to fumble with the knot around the waist. I deepen our kiss and moan into our connection because I honestly can’t take the wait any longer. I might explode if I don’t feel us connected in the most intimate way.

Shane grabs my hands and pulls them over my head, keeping them there while he devours me. He moves his kisses down my neck and toward the triangles that are doing a poor job holding in my boobs with the way I’m rubbing up against Shane. My hands begin their descent again, trying without success to untie that knot.

Shane breaks his connection and looks at me. “Becs, if you keep at it, we’ll both be naked in no time.”

I look at him and I can’t keep the frustration from my tone, “Yes, and that’s exactly the result I’m looking for.”

He pulls his upper body off me, looking me in the eyes. “Becca, are you sure? After a whole day with you in that red little number, running around and taunting me with this perfect body, I just don’t think I can stop myself if we keep going.”

I groan out of frustration, “Who said I want you to stop? Shane, I love you. I want this. I want you. Let me have you.” Apparently, he didn’t need to be talked into this much further because as soon as I finish what I was prepared to be a longer speech, he kisses me hard, and we begin clawing at each other, clothes flying off. His dick springs free, and I nearly salivate at the sight of him. He is pure perfection, and I can’t believe he’s all mine.

He finds his wallet in the bag I packed earlier and fishes out a condom. I give him a sly smile and watch him open it. I can tell his fingers are trembling, which brings me comfort knowing that he is as nervous as I am. He sits back on his heels, his cock at full attention, waiting to devour me. Shane is big, bigger than I thought possible. But not only that, he’s thick and I can’t help but feel nervous, not only because it’s our first time, but the fact that I have no idea how that is going to fit. Shane must sense my nervousness and he looks back at me. “Becs, I did not come here thinking this was going to happen tonight.”

I chuckle and decide this is the time for a little humor, “Says the guy who had a condom in his wallet.”

Shane is all seriousness and no light. “I put that in there after things got a little hot and heavy for us a few months back, and I had nothing. I didn’t want to be unprepared, but I promise we can stop now. I love you and I want you to be completely ready for this.”

I look at him and wonder where I went right in this lifetime to deserve this incredible soul. I love him beyond myself, and I want this to happen, tonight. “I want to experience this, but I’m scared about the pain, and look at that thing! You’re huge!”

Shane looks down, as if he’s never looked at the size of his penis before and stares back at me. “First of all, please don’t talk about him like he’s just some thing, but we are both very happy you think he’s big.” He finishes with a wink. “Regarding size, maybe we need to prep a bit before we go any further.”

I look at him, confused at what he’s insinuating. Shane kisses me on my lips, tender and soft. My hands move toward his cheeks, loving how intimate this feels already, and we haven’t even done anything we haven’t done before. He begins to kiss me down my neck and on my breasts. “I will make you feel good and get you ready for me, Becs. I want us to both feel good tonight.”

With a whisper, I reply, “Anything with you will feel good, Shane.”

That seems to spear him on, and he moves lower, his kisses now on the inside of my thighs. I am nervous every single time he goes down on me simply because I feel completely exposed. I take a deep breath and let my legs open for him.

He continues to kiss me, but his eyes are trained on me. He begins to move closer to my center and suddenly, he puts his mouth right over my clit, and I drop back, arching my spine, closing my eyes and calling out his name. He takes charge, licking my folds and making it his mission to have me see stars. He adds a finger and then another, reaching that spot inside me that feels like euphoria.

He starts pumping his fingers and I feel my orgasm pull from deep within. My head moves side to side, my breaths short and gasping for air as my orgasm breaks free. I can’t contain the moan that leaves my mouth. My sight goes blank, and I do, in fact, see stars. When I catch my breath, I can feel Shane kissing me on my belly up toward my breasts and back up my neck.

When he reaches my right ear, he whispers, “Seeing you come is probably the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed. I’m so fucking hard for you, Becs.”

When he talks like that to me, I feel like a goddess. He makes me feel seen in a way I never thought possible.

He starts to rub his length between my folds, and it is so sensitive after bringing me to climax, I shudder at the feeling. I look at him, taking in his expression, and I give him a slight nod to tell him I’m ready for this. I wrap my legs around his middle, and this opens me up perfectly when I feel his cock line up with my entrance. I brace myself for whatever is about to happen.

I don’t have many people who have lost their virginity in my friend group yet, but I know it will hurt, and I can’t help but tense up when I feel him start to go in. He grabs my chin and tells me, “Take a breath, Becs. Breathe with me. We are in this together.” That relaxes me enough that I feel him starting to inch in a little more.

All of a sudden, I feel pressure there and a pain that’s foreign to me. It’s different than I expected. It’s not the worst pain I’ve ever felt, but it’s definitely not something I want to feel again. But the more Shane moves in and out of me, the more comfortable I feel, and the less the pain is front and center. He’s going slow, mostly for my benefit as I can tell he’s holding back. I can't say it's as pleasant as other ways of messing around have been between us in the past, but I feel connected in a way I only dreamed of with him, and that is enough to send me over the edge.

I look at him as he assesses my features, fear of hurting me more evident in his expression. “Shane, let go. It’s okay, I’m fine.” He doesn’t wait for me to say it twice, and he begins to piston in and out of me. He keeps whispering, “I love you; you’re my everything,” over and over again, and a tear falls down the side of my face. This is more than my heart can handle because between us there is so much love.

Soon Shane starts to yell my name, “Oh fuck, Becs. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” and I feel him grow even more as he spills into the condom. He slows his movements and nestles his face in my neck.

He must feel my tears spilling over and quickly pulls his head up and looks at me. “Oh my gosh, Becs. I’m so fucking sorry. I was too rough. I’m so sorry, baby.”

The tears are now nonstop, but I start to shake my head and smile. “No, no, Shane. It wasn’t too rough, and you didn’t hurt me. Well, it hurt, but not in the way you think. I’m not crying because I’m in pain. I’m crying because I feel complete. Like, I’ve never felt more connected to another human being before in my life.”

Shane tries to kiss each tear as it falls and soon, he’s kissing me all over my face, including my lips. He looks at me again and says, “What we just experienced is once in a lifetime. My world made sense the moment I found you, and now I know my heart will never beat the same.”

If I could fall more in love with him, I would because Shane Philips is the missing piece in my world, and I didn’t know I was missing it until now.
