Page 45 of Monster's Property

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“Arie!” My voice echoes through the many chambers of the caverns I reside in. As if a choir seeks to gain my approval, an impression of my own voice is all that I am met with.

Still, she stays silent.

Such disrespect!I can feel myself getting frustrated. I believed we were past this sort of behavior. She has remained with me for quite some time now and has been learning quickly how to properly be the pet I desire.

In fact, just the previous day I had showered her with gifts and displays of my power. The ‘kitchen’ I made effortlessly for her was just one example of such. I even allowed her to spend the frigid night next to my body.

A wave of confusion runs through my being. Where is she? Why would she ignore me so callously? After all I have done for her, this blatant disregard of my command is unusual. Perhaps she has grown complacent and believes that she may act as she wishes. I will remind her of her place.

The caves I claim as my residence are large, but I search my home and can find no sign of her. My question is now answered. She is not here.

“Why would she leave?” I ask myself. “Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. She could very well be nearby, just outside our home. She may very well even be searching for a gift for me, to show her appreciation for all my kindness.

To answer my questions, I make my way to the entrance of the cavern. Looking out into the desert, I cast out a message, calling to her.

My voice does not return to me like the tunnels of the cave, but the pavo in the distance heed my words and cowardly flap their little wings into the sky. I do not hear her call back.

The confusion washes away, and anger grows in its place. Questions run through my mind. All of which begin with why, or how. None of them matter. Not really. All that matters is finding her.

“How dare she?” I say to myself.“If she is not here, then she certainly has run away.” The rage welling inside of me begins to boil.

I make my way out of the cave. My eyes scan the horizon. Wherever she is, I will find her. However, there are no clear signs of her whereabouts. In my frustration, I spread my wings out wide.

The glow from them shines brightly as it reflects the light from the pale imitation of my own image, the desert sun up above.That is where I must go,I think. Swiftly, my wings flap and I launch myself into the sky.

Naturally, I look down upon all that is mine. Somewhere within it lies another piece of my property. I scour the area around my living space. There must be something to find her with.

“It would be impossible for such a feeble creature to travel far on its own in this domain of mine. She can’t have gone far.” Even as I speak, I realize that there is little to suggest she is nearby.

It would be surprising to discover that a frail thing could move fast enough to get away from me. With grace, I dash through the air. I search through the natural formations surrounding my territory.

The wildlife flees from me as I approach. They know their place, unlike the girl. To leave without my permission is as insulting as spitting upon my beautiful face. Within a small area, I see a rather large rocky covering. A perfect place to hide from lesser beings.

I make my way down to the ground and take a look around. My wings flutter carefully so as not to disturb the sand beneath my feet. If she is hiding here, I will rather enjoy the sight of fear on her face as I surprise her with my presence.

I am left with only feelings of dismay at what I uncover. She is not here. All that I find is scurrying rodan, seeking shade from the heat of the sun. Despite their best efforts to avoid it, the sun has come to them.

With balled-up fists, I strike down the rocks around me. My body glows brightly, and my wings flap furiously. I easily break the rocks that block the sun's light from creeping into this area. They crumble to dust upon my wish.

In mere seconds, all the towering rocks that once were present have become nothing. The sand beneath my feet turns to rigid glass from the heat coming off of me. I step away, fury fueling my every action.

It is impossible to hide from me. I will find her. I do not care how far I will have to go. The passage of time is inconsequential to my search. “I will find her,” I promise the lingering rodan.

Anything and everything that stands in my way during my search for my pet, for Arie, will not exist long enough to come to regret doing so.She belongs to me.She will remember that. I will show her what happens to the things that show me such disrespect.

I look up to the sky, and my beautiful wings spread out behind me. The eyes upon them open as well. My body glows brightly but not bright enough to outshine the sun in the sky yet. I burst up into the sky and look over everything that is mine once more.

I continue my search, stopping only to expose the areas that could feasibly hide her from my sight. Yet each time I do, she is nowhere to be found. The deep-rooted wrath within me burbles and boils. My shape is on the cusp of changing from pure vexation but is halted by a new revelation.

For just a moment, I am able to calm myself. Within the sand, I see something unlike anything before. I descend cautiously to not disturb the grains of sand. The footprint is clearly human. It must be her.

“You cannot hide from me, little one. I willalwaysfind you. It is time to bring you back home.” The prints are not perfect, like me, but they are enough. The impression in the sand, while faint, points in a clear direction. It is only a matter of time before I find her.

Once more, my wings glow brightly. The sun glistens off my skin. The anger within me, though still present, is accompanied by something else this time. I feel it deeply, but I am unsure of its nature.

Am I resolute in my determination to get back what is rightfully mine? Or am I perhaps satisfied in the knowledge that I will find her? Was there a feeling before I had not realized that I had felt?

No, certainly not. I am aware of all that I feel at all times. There is nothing that is not known to me, including about myself. I shake off these thoughts and refocus on my mission. I must find her.
