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Heaving a sigh, I hurried past her interruption. “We went to dinner and I shared—”

“You didn’t, though.”

“Hard to believe, but I did, though.” I mocked back at her with a grin splitting my face.

“Call the media! She’s got it bad.”

I pressed my palm against her lips and shushed her. “Naomi, stop interrupting so I can tell the story.” Eyes wide, she nodded and I lowered my hand, hovering it nearby just in case it was needed again. “I showed him the images but he agreed I got the final say in what I used. He trusts me. Then he… I don’t know, it was like the images or our conversation or something inspired him. He started working on a new song right there at the table.”

I paused, because Naomi’s gaze melted and she slapped her hands together over her heart. But she didn’t say anything, waiting semi-patiently for me to continue my story.

This was going to be the hard part. I drew a breath and rushed on. “Then when he finished with his creative process…he called me his muse and then he kissed me. Well, we kissed each other.”

“Oh my God—”

I pressed my hand to her mouth again, cutting off any further words. “But we agreed that it would be a mistake to let a romantic relationship get in the way of our professional relationship. We agreed to not go there.” Naomi’s lower lip jutted out when I lowered my hand. With a wicked smile, I added, “Yet.”

“What the heck does that mean?”

I casually reached for the coffee pot she’d set aside and while I poured the dark brew into a to-go cup, I explained. “I’ll finish all the graphics that have been ordered for his new release, then I won’t accept any more contracts for him, so that we can explore where our feelings take us.”

Naomi jumped up and hopped excitedly. “That is beyond exciting. I told you that first day that he liked you. And I knew you liked him. I think a spring wedding would be best, don’t you? I’ll look especially good in a peachy-rose maid of honor dress.”

I laughed. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s not ice that cake before we bake it.”

“Wait, did you just make a baking reference?” Naomi laughed.

“Seems like it was called for.”

“Nope. I’m going to count those chickens because I know how they’ll hatch. I just know it.”

Naomi’s counter help, Deva, swept through the swinging door and handed me the box of cookies I’d ordered. She looked at Naomi. “Getting a bit busy out there. Can you help?” she asked.

Naomi was staring at the box in my hands. “Yeah, sure. Be right out.” She waited until Deva left, then asked, “What, or should I say who, are those for?”

Guilt rose inside me. “Uh… I’m actually on my way to Callan’s. He invited me over to listen while he records his new song. I need to get on my way. I’m due there at eleven.”

“Mm hm. Maybe you could have led with that.” At least she laughed as she handed me a lid for my coffee. “Hurry along. But call me when this ‘date’ is done. Or I’ll be coming to camp on your doorstep.”

I tipped my head and grinned. “What if I don’t make it back tonight?”

“Girl, I will hunt you down and sit on you until you give me details.”

She would, too. She’d done exactly that the night I’d lost my virginity. But, turnabout being fair play and all, I’d done the same to her. “Hey, what about your date last night? How was it?”

“Donut holes,” she replied simply. Then she brightened. “I’m out of the dating scene for now. I plan to live vicariously through you.”

“Naomi!” Deva called from the front part of the shop.

Making a shooing motion with her hands, Naomi chased me out of the back room. “Go. But don’t forget to call later.”

“Promise.” I turned and hugged her, the box in my hand clunking against her back. “I’ll give you almost all the sweet details.”



“Cal, Catherine Marlowe is at the front gate. Okay to let her in?” James’ request for permission came through the speaker on the wall in the control room of my in-home studio. He never needed to ask. I trusted his decisions. But I always appreciated the subtle way he let me know I was in charge.
