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“Better than sex?” Callan’s smirk blazed all the way through me to my toes.I don’t think sohe mouthed to me as he set me back on my feet. He leaned down to whisper by my ear in a husky, needy voice, “So you know…I don’t plan to ever let you go.”

Shivers ran over my spine and settled with a throb in my girly bits. Once again, I was happy to have his arms steadying me.



We spent our lunch break discussing the recording and what Aspen thought was needed on the accompaniment. I’d explained to her my thoughts on using woodwind instruments, the flute and clarinet. I liked the idea of using an oboe or bassoon behind verses as well. My question to her was did we go with a backup band, or just add guitar or a brush on the drums, a la Elvis’sOnly Fools Rush In, to the piano. It wasn’t super common to do that, but this ballad was a step away from what I normally produced, so it wasn’t all that much of a stretch.

“You could go completely stripped down. Just piano. Maybe the brush, because that is kind of sexy. Using just those notes makes it feel like…I don’t know, a fuller love song,” James suggested.

He’d been getting more comfortable with the entire business of music and had a great ear. His voice would never be commercially successful, but I’d discovered he had a gift for producing. If he ever wanted to leave personal security, I’d fully support him taking the captain’s chair behind a sound board.

“Fuller?” I asked.

Catie touched the back of my hand. “I understand what he means. In graphic design, we’d call it capitalizing on white space. Draws the viewers eye straight to the message and creates…almost an emotional connection to the product. In music, it’s like a single instrument lets the listener focus on the words. They are the real story in a ballad. The words can give the listener the shivers or make them teary-eyed.” She shivered for effect. “Give them all the feels.”

“Yeah, all that, but also, it’s easier to sing along.” James tapped a finger against his temple, like he’d come up with a brilliant reason.

Aspen tossed her napkin at his chest. “Leave it to you to bring it down to the third-grade level.”

I rotated my hand to clasp my fingers around Catie’s and tipped up my chin. “He does have a point. And I kind of like the less is more idea.”

“Settled then. If you’re good to go with what we did this morning, I’ll upload it to Bad Dog.”

“In the words of the best captain of all time,make it so.”

“Oh boy—look at him letting his geek side out,” James razzed.

“You knew this about me when I almost fired your ass after I caught you bingeing onStar Wars.”

“Fire me you didn’t, because strong I am.” James’ imitation of Yoda was spot-on.

Catie’s musical laughter rang out. “I’m surrounded by people who aren’tFireflyfans.”

Aspen stopped gathering up the remnants of our lunch and fist-bumped Catie. “Gorramstraight!”

James and I both groaned. This had been an ongoing schtick between the three of us. Having Catie in theFireflycamp meant we were now outnumbered.

Aspen left right after lunch, claiming the need to rescue her mother from Tobin. Before she left, James snuck one last cookie, handed her the half-full box, and then munched on it as he tootled off to his house at the edge of the lake.

Leaving me alone with Catie.

“I had fun. Thank you for inviting me,” she drawled softly as she propped her feet up on the rung across the bottom of my chair and settled her chin in her hand.

The skin on her forearm was silky smooth as I trailed my fingertips from her elbow to her wrist. “I’m glad you were here.”

“It’s amazing that you wrote such a perfect song so quickly. And it’s recorded and ready to be sent to Carrie. Does she know it’s coming?”

I hooked my pinky in the space between her cheek and palm. “Yeah, she’s aware. I gave her just the basics but she’ll sign off on the addition. My contract gives me a lot of leeway in deciding what goes in and what doesn’t. Until I mess up on a release, they’ll trust my choices. I haven’t done it yet, so chances are good Bad Dog will never interfere with my playlists.” It sounded like I was bragging, but I wasn’t. Carrie did trust my instincts. And not everyone got that kind of high-level approval from her.

“Speaking of Carrie… I should get going. I told her I’d have a cover for her to look at this afternoon. I worked a bit while you were recording. Just needs a tweak or two and it will be ready to turn in.” She straightened but wrapped her fingers around my pinky.

“I really want to ask to see what you came up with…”

“But you won’t. Because you trust my instincts like Carrie trusts yours.”

I kissed the tip of her nose. “Spot-on.”
