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I kept my thick fingers gentle as I touched her chin and nudged her head toward my mouth. God, when I was kissing her, I never wanted the interlude to end. This quiet domesticity was addictive.

Breaking the kiss, I splayed my fingers on her belly, drawing her backward, closer to my body, still crowded against her back. I licked her lips, like she was a sweet treat to be savored for a while, and then devoured.

“Aw, Catie-belle. You make my kitchen brighter and my day so much more intriguing.” I nipped the spot where her neck met her shoulder. She moaned softly, sending shivers of need rambling up my body and ticking in my chest.

“I’m burning the eggs,” she complained softly.

Reluctantly, I stepped away and busied myself with grabbing a plate from the cupboard. And tossing the bacon on it. Catie shuffled the eggs around the pan, her movements efficient and focused.

I hummed as I worked until the bread finished browning and the toaster pinged.

I couldn’t recall the last time I’d felt this content in a kitchen, with a woman I might or might not be falling in love with.

“You are such a sap, Callan Wilder,” I whispered. But there was no denying the intensity of my feelings. We’d known each other such a short time, but when you know, you know, as James was fond of telling me.

I looked over my shoulder as I shut the microwave. “Three slices enough?”

She nodded. “Perfect.”

I tapped a button, then turned a dial. The machine hummed to life.

A hard thud on the door announced James’ arrival. He shouted through the glass. “You decent in there?” That was followed by a rowdy chorus ofBoom-chicka-bow-wow.

Catie’s cheeks colored a soft rose.

“You chucklefuck.” I muttered his favorite word to describe true assholes as he sauntered into the kitchen.

“Morning, Cal. Morning, Catie.” He grinned at the pair of us. “Where’s that old hound dog. Hey, Elvis!”

Elvis barked wildly from the laundry room.

“Can I let him out?”

I laughed. “Only if you plan to share your breakfast.” The microwave beeped, signaling it was done cooking. As if the aroma of bacon wafting in the air wasn’t indication enough.

“I don’t mind sharing.” James released the kraken known as Elvis and stumbled backward as the dog surged forward, leaping on his legs, jumping and barking. “Calm down, mutt.” James’ harsh command was belied by the way he was scratching the dog’s crown and rubbing his hands along his sides.

Catie set a bowl of fluffy scrambled eggs on the center of the table, followed by a plate of toast. I dumped the bacon onto another plate and followed her to the table, which had already been set with plates and cutlery.

Pulling a chair close to hers, I settled on it, my knee knocking against hers. She smiled in return, and bit a piece of dry toast.

James helped himself to hot sauce from the fridge and joined us at the table. He broke a corner off a piece of toast andaccidentallydropped it to the floor, thereby making sure Elvis remained at his side throughout breakfast.

During our meal, Catie listened with rapt attention as James and I traded stories and barbs that had happened in the last year. I’d just poured the last of the coffee into my cup when Catie started clearing away the remains of our meal.

“I’m sorry to break this up, but I do need to get home.” She glanced at me apologetically. “I’ll just clean the dishes and then maybe you could run me and Frank home?”

“Nonsense.” James jumped up. He grabbed the plates from her hands. “I crashed your breakfast, I’ll clean up.”

“You didn’t crash anything,” she pointed out.

“Maybe not. But I’ve got this.”

She released her grip on the plates. “Okay. Callan, it will only take me a minute to get Frank’s stuff together. Then I’ll be ready to go.”

I knew I was frowning, thanks to the sensation of tightness on my forehead. I didn’t want this date to end. But I certainly understood that she had to work. I nodded and hunted down my keys.

Five minutes later I stowed the pet carrier and Frank’s traveling paraphernalia behind Catie’s seat as she climbed into my truck. I shut the back door, and then stepped into the open space of the front door.
