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“Genuine,” I started spilling adjectives. “Sexy. Masterful.”

She moaned. “If you tell me he’s ooey-gooey, I’m going to take my buns and go.”

I grabbed the box and clutched it to my chest. “Well, he is. You should have seen him with Elvis. You can always tell how a man is by how he treats a dog.” Plus, even though we hadn’t known each other that long, I knew in my bones; Callan Wilder would never cheat on me.

Naomi clutched her hands to her chest and sighed. “Catie, I can’t even begin to express how thrilled I am for you. After what Steve did… Well, you deserve to be happy with a guy like Callan Wilder.” She grabbed her phone and started tapping the screen.

“Wait, are you looking for more stuff about us? Checking other social media sites?” I didn’t think to look at other sites. Good heavens, where else would have the photo? Or others? I remembered James telling a story about the media trespassing on Callan’s beach to get the scoop on his life. Had someone seen us kissing on the dock last night?

“Nope,” Naomi replied. “I’m looking for websites that run anyHow To Deal With The Paparazzibootcamps. You’re probably going to need some help. You know, like how Princess Diana got lessons in how to deal with the press corps after her engagement to the Prince of Wales was announced.”

“Oh. Good idea.” I stood. “I’m going to grab my phone. Be right back.”

I stepped over Frank and Sweet Cream, who were still wrestling on the area rug by the couch. I rushed to my office, practically pulled the drawer free of the desk as I opened it. Just as I reached in for my phone, it started ringing. The picture I’d used for his contact information, one of the great ones I’d taken during our photo shoot, flickered on the screen.

“Hi,” I answered.

“Red! I’ve been calling and calling. James and I are on our way over. Stay off the internet until I get there.”

“Um… Too late. Naomi is here and showed me.”

He groaned. “Catie-belle. I’m so sorry. I never imagined this would happen this quickly.”

“I’m okay, Callan. No need to come over. Naomi and I were about to go for a hike—”

“No! Don’t leave your house. The press could be anywhere. I do not want them jumping out of the bushes at you.”


“Are there any cars you don’t recognize parked in front of your house, or nearby?”

“I don’t— Hang on, I’ll check.” I hurried back to the living room and twitched the curtain a smidge to the side. “No cars other than Naomi’s. The street is empty.”

“We’ll be there in twenty.”

“Callan, wait! They don’t know who I am, other than the mystery woman snogging the country music star. If you’re followed over here, because they know where you live, won’t you just be leading them to me?”

“Fuck a duck!” He didn’t speak for a minute.

In the background, James spoke, “She’s got you there.”

“I know, dammit,” Callan bit out. “Okay. Red, could you please stay inside today? I’ll figure something out. Asher will help. He’s a pro at this kind of bullshit.”

“I will stick close to home. I’m sure I can talk Naomi into a romcom movie and a pizza.”

“Thank you.” Relief was thick in his tone. “I’ll come up with a plan to keep you safe. You can move in with me, or I can move to your house. Or Asher can find us a safe place until we get this sorted out.”

“Why?” He wanted us to live together? As wonderful as that sounded, wasn’t it way too soon to be considering that, even if I was in danger?

No doubt the press would move on quickly from this tidbit, but I had a cushion of time. One, they didn’t know who I was, and two, there was surely some juicier affair or scandal just waiting to be busted wide open. Before you knew it, Callan and I would be old, old news.

“Honey, I want you safe. I can only be assured of that fact if I am glued to your side.”

Part of me melted. Callan literally made my knees weak. I took a stutter step back to the couch and collapsed. “That’s just so… Unnecessary.” I could tell he was getting ready to interrupt, so I rushed on. “Callan, really. I’m fine. I have older brothers. Those knuckleheads taught me how to protect myself.”

“I’m sure about all that. But the paparazzi can be swamp clowns, dirty and underhanded. They won’t have a care for your privacy, or anyone else’s while they’re on the hunt for the next big story. And what about your family and friends? They aren’t off-limits either. You have to think about their safety.” A gusty sigh rambled down the phone line. “I’ve been dealing with them for a long time, just myself. Since I hit, I haven’t had a lady friend, so we can count on them being almost feral with this story. Honey, I’m so sorry.”

“This isn’t your fault, or mine.” In the background I could hear James on the phone, speaking urgently and sounding very much like a military commander. “I suppose one of us should call Elizabeth and tell her that mum’s the word.”
