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“I—” He paused at the door and ran a hand down his face. “I have things to say, important things. But now isn’t the right time. It will be worth the wait, I promise.” He sighed, then smiled at me. “I’ll see you downstairs.”



Asher and Carrie had arrived together, and by the time I wandered into the kitchen, they were seated around the island chowing on the huge amount of food Barry had delivered along with my precious Catie.

That woman. I had plans for her that included letting my knee hit the floor. But like I’d told her just a bit ago, now wasn’t the time. We had a situation to weather and plans to make. I’d do anything to keep this woman safe. The degree of relief I felt when she’d balked at sleeping in a separate room, well, it was off the fucking charts. She could have blamed me for upending her life, but she didn’t. She blamed herself, but at least we got that worked out.

Now the task at hand was to outline a plan of action that wouldn’t make Catie a prisoner in my house. And Asher was on top of that situation.

“I’ve already contacted the agency we used last year when…” He didn’t finish his thought.

“When my dad was killed,” I supplied. “It’s okay to talk about Dad, Asher. I talk about him, hell, I talktohim almost every day.” I missed him something fierce, especially now when his calm demeanor and wise words would be so welcome. He’d know what to do. He’d love Catie, not as much as me, but like a daughter.

Asher grinned knowingly, as if he’d read my mind about proposing to Catie. He nodded. “Right. Anyway, the agency has already dispatched two teams. One will park at the gate, the other two guys will patrol the grounds. I’ve sent them a map of the property and highlighted our defensive weak points that were identified…um, previously.”

“That’s great. Thanks for being on top of it.” I smiled at the man I consider more my friend than my business manager. “I’d like them to report to James.”

I looked to where James was loading the dishwasher. He lifted his chin, acknowledging my trust in him.

Catie entered the kitchen just then, stopping to scoop Frank into her arms, then claiming the stool next to me. Pretty pink color filled her cheeks as she greeted Asher and Carrie. “Thank you,” she said simply.

Carrie reached over me to put her hand on Catie’s arm. “You know we have you covered. Damn photographers. Swear to God, they are the bane of my existence.”

The skin around Catie’s eyes tightened, but she smiled. “Got that right. And I’m sorry about the video. I… My ex’s new wife, Tiffani, is a bitch, and because he’s stuck with her, I’m stuck with her by extension. Dammit. I wouldn’t put it past her to use that video to try for her next fifteen minutes of fame. My brothers will have something to say if she leaks that again.”

“Don’t apologize for some other dope’s actions,” Carrie ordered, echoing my earlier instructions. “Besides, we already have Bad Dog’s crisis PR team on it. They’re going to need some time with you to fill in some details, if you’re okay with it. They’ll craft a statement, along with some cleverly worded social media posts designed to destroy Tiffani’s credibility. Your ex’s too, if needed.”

“See there, Red. We got you,” I whispered against her cheek. I tangled my fingers with hers as she stroked Frank’s fur.

Her smile was tremulous, but she smiled. I’d take that as a good sign.

“Catie, you want some of this food Barry brought? Some of Hattie B’s chicken might hit the spot. He even got all the sides, including pimento mac and cheese and bacon cheddar grits. That shit’s the bomb.” James held up the two containers and waggled them her direction.

“I don’t think I could eat right now,” she replied, and rested a hand on her belly.

“Maybe some of the peach cobbler?”

She just shook her head.

I tipped my head toward James and mouthed instructions to make her a plate anyway. He shrugged, but started loading food onto a piece of the turquoise Fiesta dishes that had been my mom’s.

I rubbed my hands together and spoke to Asher. “Let’s get back to the plan. I’ll feel more comfortable when this is all set and ready to implement. Asher, the shore is particularly vulnerable. What’s the plan to address that?”

James set the loaded plate in front of Catie, and she smiled her thanks, but nudged it away. She pushed her stool back and stood, releasing Frank, who streaked out of the kitchen.

“Red?” I asked softly.

“I’m… Listen, I’m just going to go lose myself in work. Try to forget all of this.” The tension in her shoulders told me just how much she needed to focus on something different for a spell.

I stood next to her and cupped her biceps. “I get it. Why don’t you set your laptop up in my office by the front door. Help yourself to anything you need, okay?” I kissed her cheek.

“Thanks.” She moved away but stopped in the doorway and let her gaze linger on each of the four of us. “Thank you all for everything you are doing,” she murmured, then left the room.

I didn’t like how defeated she’d seemed, but I knew in my gut that she needed this time alone. So I didn’t follow her down the hallway.

Before the sun sank into the lake, we’d fully reviewed strategy options, along with other pieces of business about the upcoming album release and the tour. As much as I wanted to postpone it until all this shit was fully covered and Catie was safe, I knew I couldn’t. The best I could do was ask Asher to arrange extra security personnel to go on tour, and set up round-the-clock protection for Catie, whether she chose to accompany me or stay in Nashville.
