Page 66 of Inflamed Touch

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Nadia. Longstocking herself.

She’d want me to look into it.

It wouldn’t do for Nadia to be unable to forgive me. I shouldn’t even care. I keep telling myself I don’t. Still, I find myself doing what I can. With all the shit between the two of us, I want to see what I can find out. What I can do. The thought of seeing a hint of disappointment that gets to me.

“Jay’s fine.”

“He hasn’t been gone that long, so I hope so.” Nadia gives a slight smile that barely lights her big green eyes. She rubs a finger below her bottom lip. “What’s the next move?”

“I put you on a plane to Dallas.”

“Not happening.”

I sigh. “I’m sure there are Lowlanders here like I said, but they’re not a cohesive group so turn a rock and you’ll probably fuckin’ find someone who’s hooked up with them. But thing is, the lowlifes here seem to have more to do with El Cabeza, a Mexican cartel, than O’Grady’s outfit.”

“What if they’re together?”

“I don’t think O’Grady shares, but you don’t know, and he’d work with them in the right circumstances.”

She breathes out. “You’re saying this isn’t really about Jay being in a gang, it’s about the safety of the town.”

“Always knew you were smart. And O’Grady’s warning was pointed.”

“I know you’re not telling me something.”

Shit. Fuck. “In Dallas, when Nicolo met Avah, his fiancée, he found himself caught up with smuggling, trafficking, and embezzling. It’s complicated, but the gist is we think someone’s out to make a lot of trouble, and some of that involves Lowlander turf. So, to tell our bosses about the girls, cartel possible involvement, and what they might be into . . . it could start a war, so we need to know what’s going on.”

She nods. “And you take responsibility, like always.”

“It’s my job.”

“It’s you.”

I go to her, on my haunches, and take her hands. “It’s why you need to get out of here, leave me to it. I might uncover something dangerous, and it could blow up in my fuckin’ face. I want you safe.

“Not on your life,” she says. “We’re in this together, Diego.”

“Nadie, you’re in danger.”

“And you’re not?” she asks.

“I want you safe.”

“It seems I’m safer with you than I am alone.”

I stand and shake my head. “No way, you won’t be alone, you’ll be with Jay under full De Luca protection.”

She stands too. “Not on your life, Diego. I’m staying.”

“Fine.” I raise my hands like I’m giving up. “You stay.”

As soon as I can, I’m getting her the fuck out of Dodge.




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