Page 37 of Wicked Knight

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I thought of Donata’s flowery scent and her soft skin. Jesus Christ. Why did I fuck her that night? Even if she was refusing to play the game with me, I knew she was close to saying yes. I knew she would cave sooner rather than later. That was Donata’s downfall. She couldn’t resist a good challenge. Like any spoiled brat, instant gratification was all she knew.

“Fuck me.”Her words swirled in my head. I sat on the leather chair and brought my fingers to my nose. “What are you doing to me, Donata?”

I couldn’t let her mess with my head. She was for all intents and purposes, the mark. She was my prey, not the other way around. She deserved to be punished for all the lies she told about me. A smile pulled at my lips. Had she noticed yet? That everything I’d done to her was exactly what she told her aunt I did to her when she was fifteen?

Admittedly, I never planned on actually having sex with her. But fuck, her pussy was so wet for me. I had only meant to push her buttons and watch her squirm. But seeing her come on my hand was more than I could bear.

She was mine.

She had always belonged to me.

Even if her aunt had other plans for her.

She belonged to me.

Fuck. I shot to my feet. What the hell was wrong with me? Donata was the opposite of what I wanted. I never saw myself spending my life with someone like her. Ava, sweet Ava, the 2nd grade teacher was who I wanted. I wanted a normal life with someone who knew the difference between right and wrong.

Donata only thought of herself. It was why she had fallen for my game. She didn’t think of the consequences, only that she was getting what she thought she wanted. But she couldn’t possibly want me because she didn’t know me at all.

She was obsessed with the idea of me. Nothing more.

I never wanted to be part of this mafia world. My position as the son of the youngest of the Gallo brothers afforded me the luxury of pretending to be normal. I was never expected to become Don like my cousin Vincent, Uncle Jimmy’s oldest son. I was free to pursue a life in academia and date whomever I wanted.

Until Donata came along. Until she decided to turn my life upside down with her goddamn lies.

“Fuck me, please.”Her words echoed in my head again, and my cock stiffened. This would be so much easier if my body didn’t react to her the way it did. How the hell was I supposed to marry her and keep my sanity? Truth was, deep down, I didn’t want her to hate me. But that was exactly where we were headed. She had to submit to me. To do what Uncle Jimmy wanted, I had to show Donata I was in control.

“You have a delivery.” Alfred knocked lightly on the open door. “From Don Gallo.”

“Open it.” I dropped my face in my hands. “I don’t know if I can handle another one of his gifts. What is it?” I asked when Alfred’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“An engagement ring.” He cleared his throat. “The note says you have two weeks.”

“What?” I jerked to my feet and took the card from him. “Fuck. Last night, he warned he was tired of waiting. He gave me two weeks to finish the task he’d given me.”

“Are you surprised? Don Gallo would never pass up the chance to beat the Dons at their own fucked-up game of chess.”

“This is all Donata’s fault.”

“If it’s true that marriages between the five original families are now allowed, he’s right in wanting an alliance.”

“He doesn’t want to make friends with Signoria Vittoria. And you know that. Maybe he didn’t say it. But it’s clear to me what he intends to do to the two of them.” I crossed my arms over my chest. My uncle’s politics always left a bad taste in my mouth. But my life wasn’t my own. My duty was to my family. I belonged to the Society, same as Donata. “He wants me to marry Signoria Vittoria’s niece and take over as Don. He hates the idea of a woman having that much power. He’s been waiting for this opportunity all his life. Signoria Vittoria already appointed Donata to take her place when the time comes.”

“I’m sure Don Gallo will make sure the time comes shortly after your wedding.” Alfred shook his head. “This is a very dangerous game you’re playing, Luca.”

“I know. It’s why marriages between families have never been allowed. You see the bloody family feud heading our way, don’t you?” I glared at the three-carat cut emerald in my hand. “With Michael Alfera’s abdication from the throne, the rules have changed. My uncle wants to take advantage before they change again.”

“Are you proposing to Ms. Salvatore then?”

“What choice do I have?” I snapped the black velvet box shut. “At least one good thing will come out of this. Once I’m Don, nothing will stand in my way.” I pointed at the murder board. “Ava will have justice.”

“Should I make reservations for tonight?” Alfred asked. “Might as well get it out of the way.”

“No. Get my tuxedo ready. I have somewhere else I need to be tonight. Donata can wait.”

“As you wish.” Alfred made a big show of collecting the black business card that guaranteed me access to the clandestine club and Donata’s engagement ring. He placed them both on the table next to my breakfast. “Be careful, Luca. Some gentlemen at this club might not be too keen to have someone poking around in their business.”

“I’ll take precautions.”
