Page 50 of Wicked Knight

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“That is for sure.” I smiled at her. “You make me want things I shouldn’t.”

I took her hand and moved it down to my erection. Her cheeks turned pink as she watched me show her how to stroke my length. The first time we were together, I hadn’t even taken my clothes off. I didn’t get a chance to taste her or touch her smooth skin. I wanted to do all that tonight. I wanted to show her how good it could be.

“Touch yourself.” I moved her hand to her pussy.

When I covered her hand with mine and made her rub herself harder, her eyes fluttered closed. “Luca.”

My cock got even harder when she moaned my name. I had said my piece. The rest was up to her. Even though I had agreed to do as Uncle Jimmy wanted, I never intended to force Donata into marrying me. I wanted her to want me.

“Marry me.” I picked her up by the waist and sat her on my shaft.

“I know you’re not serious.” She braced her hands on my chest to steady herself.

“Do I look like I’m joking, princess?” I gripped her hips and lifted her until I was all the way out. After a beat, I let her drop down again. “Marry me.” I cupped the back of her neck.

Our mouths collided in a hot kiss. And just like that, we fell down the rabbit hole all over again. I flipped her onto her back and rode her hard until her slick walls pulsed and squeezed around my cock. Beyond the bedroom windows, the sun rays glinted across the sky. In the next beat, she found her release.

“I could watch you come all night. And all morning.” I dropped my head as hot waves of pleasure rolled through me.

Sooner or later, Donata would surrender to me and agree to be my wife. Sooner or later, we’d have to face our families.


I Was Chaos


A ray of sunlight peeked through the heavy curtains, beaming directly in my eyes. Squinting, I rolled onto my back. Shit. I sat up. Last night hadn’t been a dream. Luca stirred next to me. He was completely naked with the sheets precariously covering his erection.

Luca in a three-piece tailored suit was hotter than hell. But Luca in the morning, sleeping in the nude, was a new level of crazy hot. The dusting of hair on his muscled chest caught my eye. The man was beautiful. I knew sex with him would be intense and life-changing. But I never imagined it would be like this.

My hands itched to touch his warm skin, but I didn’t want to wake him just yet. I wanted to savor this moment. And gosh, I needed to find my bearings. What the hell happened last night?

“Wow,” I mouthed, pressing a hand to my forehead as I scanned his bedroom, which covered the entire fourth floor.

Did he propose? That didn’t make any sense at all. Luca wasn’t the type to make a rash decision. A smile pulled at my lips. Did he ask because he was jealous of Rex’s dad? That was insane. I would never consider marrying Don Valentino. And I was sure Aunt Vittoria would never make me do something I didn’t want to do.

In her eyes, no one was worthy of me. Not even the new king of our secret society. If Aunt Vittoria had managed to stay in power after my father died, it was because from the beginning, she made it clear she would never tether herself to anyone. She answered to no one. She wanted the same for me, and I understood why.

But Luca was different. He didn’t care about power. He cared about me. Maybe I wasn’t in a hurry to marry him now. But now I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that if I ever married anyone, it would be Luca. I wanted him and no one else.

I shifted away from him and winced. The soreness wasn’t bad, but I could feel Luca’s mark on me. I let my feet drop to the hardwood floor, then padded across the way to the en-suite bathroom. The first thing I did was check myself in the mirror. Great. I had mascara smeared all over my face and my hair was tangled into a big knot. In short, I was a big mess this morning.

Feeling like the stalker I used to be when it came to Luca, I went through his vanity drawers where I found a bunch of toiletries. I washed my face, then brushed my teeth with his toothbrush. After I finished rinsing, I peeked into the bedroom again to see if he was still sleeping, which he was.

I finger-combed my hair, then headed for his closet to find something to wear. Going home right now to find clothes was out of the question. And the dress from last night was all rumpled on the floor. I wanted to stay and maybe have breakfast with Luca, so I donned one of his white T-shirts, then decided to snoop a little more.

Luca’s home was exactly how I had envisioned it would be. From the textured blue wallpaper in his bedroom, to his watch collection, the perfectly pressed suits hanging on the far wall, and the mahogany furnishings, it all screamed Luca. He was meticulous, controlling, and in charge.

He was order.

I was chaos.

I picked up one of his expensive watches. Luca had described me as impulsive and spoiled. So what was his attraction to me? I shook my head to clear my thoughts and put his Rolex back in the glass case. For years, I’d been pinning for him. I wasn’t about to question his love for me now that I finally had it. Luca wanted me. So what if I came with a few quirks.

“No one’s ever told you it’s rude to snoop?” Luca leaned his shoulder on the door frame.

“What? Nothing.” I shut his tie drawer and pressed my back to it. “I mean, I was looking for something to wear.
