Page 64 of Wicked Knight

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“Right. The same aunt who wants to marry you off for her own political gain.”

“Why did you even come for me? You don’t care about me.”

“Stop saying that.” His features softened. “You know damn well, I care. I care more than I should. More than I thought possible.” He reached behind me and shut off the water.

As soon as he pushed open the glass door, a gush of cold air brushed away the warmth his body had left on mine. I followed him out, grabbed a warm towel off the rack and wrapped it around my body. While he towel-dried his hair, he turned to face me. The lust in his eyes was a shock to my system.

“Luca.” I released a breath.

My gaze drifted down to his abs and long muscular legs, while I reveled in the raw energy that engulfed me every time I looked at him. Whether he loved me or not, I wasn’t ready to let him go.

“Jesus.” He closed the space between us and captured my mouth in a heated kiss. “I’m losing my mind because of you.” He wrapped his arms around me.

My toes barely touched the floor as he half-carried me to the bed. Without preamble, he lay me on the mattress and climbed on top of me. His erection swelled between my thighs and made my pussy ache with need. I ran my hands over his chest and bulging biceps, while desire pulsed through me in blazing waves.

He was so hard for me, and so big, I yelped in surprise when his cock pushed through my folds and my slick walls like a steel rod. The burst of heat at my core was so intense, it made me see stars. In all this time, Luca had always been the one in control. He was the one who lured me to his office at school. He made me do things I’d never done before. And all the while, he remained unaffected by it. But now, he seemed unhinged. The desperate need in his touch and the hungry way he kissed every part of me was his surrender.

“I wanted to kill him.” He panted a breath in my ear as he took a handful of my ass and thrust deeper into me. “I care about you. I so fucking care.” He bent down to suck on my neck then on my nipples.

The orgasm took me by surprise. Instead of growing from my core, it just exploded without warning. I squeezed my eyes shut and let it burn through every inch of my body. My heart drummed so intensely against my ribs, I was sure Luca could feel it too.


“I’m right here.” Holding my hips in place, he increased the pace and kept at it until he found his own release.

After a minute, he rolled off and lay next to me, staring at the ceiling, looking as confused as I felt. How was it possible to have this much chemistry without love? I opened my mouth to ask, but the question died on my lips. I didn’t want to know the answer. So instead, I curled up next to his body and let the heaviness of the day and everything that happened lull me to sleep.

Sometime during the night, I woke up to Luca nestled between my legs, kissing my pussy. After I orgasmed again, he climbed over me and entered me. By the time the sun came up, I had climaxed five times and I could no longer feel my legs. Luca was everything I ever wanted.


I Ruined Your Plans


The alarm on the bedside table blared in my ear for a good ten minutes before I realized it was meant to be my wake-up call.

“What the hell?” I squinted, while I swatted at it to stop the incessant noise.

I sat up then looked behind me, expecting to see Luca, but he was gone. On the pillow, he’d left a handwritten note for me. Smiling, I grabbed it and began to read.

Good morning, Beautiful,

I’m sorry I couldn’t stay with you a bit longer, but I had work to do. I set the alarm for nine a.m. to let you sleep. Pinna will stop by later with clothes for you. Feel free to borrow more of my T-shirts.


“Well, Mr. Bossy pants, I have school today.” I tossed the piece of paper on the bed and headed for the bathroom to shower.

Yesterday, Luca had said that I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. At the time, I figured he was just being overzealous because of what had almost happened. But now I realized he meant it. He meant to keep me here until this thing with the Stag Club was resolved.

When I finished in the bathroom, I headed upstairs, hoping Luca had decided to do his work in his home office and not at the school. I didn’t want to spend the day all alone, with nothing to do. I didn’t even have my laptop. How was I supposed to get any homework done?

“Hello?” I pushed the door open.

Luca stood facing Ava’s murder board with his arms crossed over his chest. The sadness he felt over her death oozed out of him, and it made me ache for him. For two years, he’d been carrying this guilt, and I couldn’t begin to imagine what all this regret had done to him.

“Were you madly in love with her?” I asked.

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