Page 170 of Burn

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We stayed there until the passing hours reduced to a mere wisp of thought. Indeed, that was fine. For we had all the time we wanted now.

Afterward, I retrieved Briar’s laurel and savored the vision of this princess crowning herself. Then I snatched her off the ground. Linking both arms beneath my thorn’s thighs, I hauled her into my frame and proceeded to scandalize her, carrying Briar from the library wing and through the vacant corridors.

The princess blushed and scolded me. And why? Because we were still naked.

Nonetheless, Briar’s admonishments broke into shocked laughter, the exquisite sound filling the castle halls. She knew her sinful jester full well.

And yet she wanted him, married him, loved him.

Fuck, but this woman had tricked, ruined, and burned me for eternity.

Eventually, I set the princess on her feet, and we ran. Clasping hands, we became moving shadows through the passages, dashing in and out of candlelight.

Emerging at the highest tower where Autumn’s great horn overlooked the fog-laced vista, I hoisted my willful wife into my arms. And there, I swayed her into a dance.

To dare, to dance, to do.

At these heights, the wind whipped through her locks, turning the loose cascade into red flames. The leaves painted under her lashes glinted, and those irises melted from sterling to mercury. To say nothing of the delectable freckles sprinkled across her cheeks and bare tits.

My expression must have turned feral because Briar’s complexion went scarlet, excitement flashing through her pupils. Aye, she knew where my impure thoughts were headed, predicted what my smutty intentions would be in a matter of moments.

Come now. I hadn’t brought my princess up here merely for the view. We weren’t leaving this tower until she’d been kissed hard and fucked sweetly.

Until then, only this. Stripped and so very alive, we undulated to the music drifting from the lower town. Briar’s fingers dove into my hair, and I snared one arm around her waist, with my free hand palming her ass and pressing her body flush against me.

Our campfire tale wouldn’t end tonight. Nay, it would only begin anew. And it would last until this world faded, taking us with it. But before that, the days and nights would be long, and they would be ours.

Spinning her slowly under my arm, I twisted Briar toward the panorama. Her back nestled into my chest, and my jaw rested against her temple. Like this, we watched a mural of black skies, soaring maples, and gilded harvest fields.

Beyond that, countless blazes illuminated the town, where the revels would continue through dawn, and our family would be waiting. And whilst this kingdom ignited into bonfires, and the people flung aside their inhibitions, the princess and her jester stood at the top of the fucking world.

But although I loved holding Briar like this, I also loved tasting her. She chuckled as I lightly bit the freckles scattered along the side of her neck. “Wicked man. Behave yourself for at least another few minutes.”

“Getting worn out already, Sweet Thorn?”

“Never,” Briar swore, extending her throat for my mouth. “It will take a lot to exhaust this tenacious princess.”

“What a coincidence. Jesters like a challenge.”

“Then you’ve found the right partner.”

“Indeed, I have.”

With a naughty growl, I caressed my mouth over her throat, obsessed by the way it made her shiver. However, I did enjoy prolonging the desire. And I did fancy whispering enticements to my thorn, of which I planned to seize many more opportunities.

Fucking her beautifully could wait for a moment. But first, a simple pleasure.

“Now then.” I wrapped my arms around Briar’s middle, relished her smiling profile, and murmured into her ear, “Tell me how your day was.”

