Page 57 of Riley's Storm

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A dark look passed over Victor’s face and I was sure my expression matched. “Yes, unfortunately. He always gave me the creeps.”

“I’m sorry we didn’t get here sooner, petal. I hate that his foul hands ever touched you.”

“It’s alright. You got here in plenty of time for the important thing.” I blushed. “Why do you call me petal?”

“Your eyes. They remind me of violet flowers.”

I ducked my head, pleased by the compliment. I had always thought my eyes were strange, but knowing that this handsome alpha liked them, maybe they weren’t so bad.

Suddenly, a bang came from the hallway and I jumped. “What was that?”

Victor craned his head, tilting his ear to hear. He rolled his lips in, hiding a smirk. “I, uh, I think Storm convinced Declan to put his smell back on her after their shower.”

“How . . . ? Oh.”

Victor chuckled. “Thatembarrasses you? After everything we’ve done here?”

“No . . . but it does turn me on, and I know you must be tired.”

His eyes heated, and his pupils dilated slightly. “Never too tired for you, petal. Do you need me? Do you need your alpha to ease the ache inside you?”

His deep, rumbly voice teased me, settling inside my chest. I whimpered and preened under his gaze. “Yes, alpha. Please. It aches so much.”

His grin turned wild. “I know just how to settle that. Come here, omega.”

Eagerly, I crawled toward him, slick already gathering between my legs. I felt my stomach cramping, desperate for more sex. Were heats always this intense? I had no idea but goddamn, I couldn’t wait to find out. When I reached for Victor, he crooked his finger at me, beckoning me closer. I inched up his lap until I sat at the tops of his thighs. My legs splayed out on either side of his waist, and I lazily wrapped my arms around his neck.

His thick cock jutted up between us, brushing against my stomach with each of our breaths. Victor’s hands came up to either side of my face and he stroked my matted hair back, his thumbs brushing over my cheeks.

“You are so beautiful, Riley,” he whispered.

“Thank you, alpha.”

“I cannot wait to get to know you better after all of this.”

“Me too, alpha.”

Holding my gaze, he leaned forward and captured my mouth with his. He tilted my head back, deepening the kiss. I lifted slightly, caressing the tip of his cock with my dripping pussy. He moaned and moved his hands to help lift me by my ass and then dropped me down onto his length.

My walls pulsed around him, and I yelled in rapture, “Yes, alpha!”

“Such a good omega. Taking me so well. You feel so good wrapped around my cock, petal. I could live here, inside you, forever. You and Storm take your alphas’ knots so well. Did you know that, petal? You are perfect for us.”

Unadulterated joy filled me with his words. Knowing that I was bringing this strong as fuck alpha pleasure? Me? It was a powerful feeling, and I wanted more of that. As he jerked his hips up, I rocked mine down, taking him deeper each time. I squeezed my muscles, trying to milk his cock. A tingle started in my lower spine and I leaned back, bracing my hands on Victor’s legs as I prepared for the wonderful orgasm I knew was coming.

“That’s it, omega. Take. My. Knot!”

Victor chased my body, knocking me onto my back, and he loomed overtop of me, his knot sliding into me and locking us together. I shuddered in euphoria as he shot stream after stream of his hot cum deep into me. Not thinking, I raised my head and went straight for his neck, intent on claiming this alpha for my own.

“No, Riley! Don’t!” Ryan’s voice jolted me back to the present, and I realized what I had been about to do.

Shock, shame, and fear filled me in equal parts. Tears sprang to my eyes, and I blinked rapidly, trying to clear them.

“RYAN! Help me!” Declan’s shout had Ryan jumping up and running from the room.

“Petal, hush, it’s okay. I know you want to claim me and that’s fine. I am not rejecting you; Ryan is not rejecting you. It’s just not the time. Later, we will do this right. Make it perfect for everyone. I promise.”

My head was clouded and my mind befuddled. Why wouldn’t they let me bite him? He was mine, right? Didn’t he want me? I thought he wanted us.
