Page 10 of Idol Moves

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Tae Hyun snorted. “More connected than having your dick inside me?” Jason briefly frowned and quickly shook it off. But Tae Hyun still noticed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to–”

Jason leaned forward and kissed Tae Hyun, cutting him off mid-apology. “I love fucking you because I love you.” His voice was low and throaty–almost a growl–as he pressed his cock against Tae Hyun again. “And I want to be sure you’re enjoying it.”

Tae Hyun gasped as Jason slipped back inside. He would’ve closed his eyes again but couldn’t turn away from Jason’s magnetic gaze. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Jason’s shoulders, keeping their faces close enough that Jason’s breath tickled his nose. Jason bit down on his lip as he fucked Tae Hyun even harder, which probably meant he was approaching his own climax. Tae Hyun hoped Jason would hold off long enough for him to–then, it suddenly hit him. He let go of Jason, fiercely crying out as a glorious wave of ecstasy washed over him, and his cum splattered across his chest and stomach.

Jason suddenly grunted. “Oh, shit. I’m gonna–” He pulled out, loudly crying out as he added his cum to Tae Hyun’s. “Wow.”

Tae Hyun breathed out a long, contented sigh as Jason fell beside him and rolled onto his back. “Yeah. Wow.” He turned to his side and examined Jason’s profile, watching his chest rise and fall as his breathing slowly calmed. The pale bedroom walls behind him had begun to take on the evening light’s rosy hue. “Thank you, hyung. I needed that.” He reached out and gently caressed Jason’s arm. “Sorry if what I said was unkind.”

Jason shook his head. “No, I was just being too sensitive.”

“I mean it.” Tae Hyun rested his hand on Jason’s chest. “My favorite part about sex with you is that we still communicate. That we talk to each other. I don’t want you to think you can’t do that.”

“Okay.” Jason turned to face Tae Hyun and smiled. “And I think I get what you meant about your breakthrough. That felt different than this morning.”

“It was.” Tae Hyun pushed his face close enough to Jason’s that their noses touched. “I love you, hyung.” Then he leaned in a little further and kissed him. Jason responded, reaching behind Tae Hyun to run his fingers through his hair. The feeling was electric. Even having just been fucked out of his mind, Tae Hyun was still turned on enough that he thought he might get hard again. But he’d already cum twice that day. Passion or no, his body was spent.

Jason eventually pulled away. “I love you, too.” Then he rolled over and sat up. “And I think I’m laying in your cum. We should probably change the sheets.”

Tae Hyun chuckled as he got off the bed. “Could you take care of that? I’d like to clean up first.”

“Yes, sir.”

After Jason had changed the sheets and they’d both showered, they returned to the dining table and their half-eaten dinner. The sun had nearly set by then, and the distant ocean was ablaze with orange and scarlet light. But their dinner had gone cold, which meant the rice cakes were inedible. Tae Hyun scraped their plates back into his pots and returned them to the stove for reheating.

“Was Seong Woo still with you today?” Tae Hyun tested the sauce on a spoon, but it wasn’t quite hot enough. “Or did he leave already?”

“No, he leaves the day after tomorrow.” Jason frowned. “Actually, I have some not-so-good news from him. Is now a good time for that?”

Tae Hyun softly snorted. There was never a good time for bad news. But he’d had such a fantastic day he figured he could probably handle it. “Yes, I think so.”

“Seong Woo’s office heard back from the last venue in Seoul. They said no.”

Tae Hyun quietly sighed. He’d expected that would be the case since all the other venues they’d asked said the same thing. “Because of KBR?” He huffed when Jason nodded. “I can’t believe KBR is going to this much trouble to keep me from performing there.

Jason nodded. “Yeah, it definitely feels personal.” He walked around the island to stand behind Tae Hyun, wrapping his arms around his waist. “But Naomi reminded us that we’ve got three dozen dates pretty much locked up, including BigCloud Arena. So it’ll be a genuine world tour.”

Tae Hyun set his spoon down and leaned back against Jason. “Still, I wish I could perform at home.

Jason gave Tae Hyun a gentle squeeze. “Isn’t this home, too?”

Tae Hyun smiled as he wrapped Jason’s arms in his. “Of course, it is. Home’s wherever you are. But you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I know.” Jason leaned in and gently kissed Tae Hyun’s neck. “And what they’re doing is shitty. But we’ll figure something out.”

Tae Hyun turned around and wrapped his arms around Jason’s shoulders. “I know. And the fact that you’ve all done so much already makes me that much more anxious to release my album.” He kissed Jason. “I really appreciate it.” He kissed Jason again. “And I love you.”

Jason smiled as he brushed Tae Hyun’s bangs from his face. “I love you, too. And everything’s gonna be great. You’ll see.”

Tae Hyun smiled back, warmed by Jason’s handsome face and firm grasp. He was like a rock that Tae Hyun could cling to, knowing it would never move no matter how bad the storm might get. And he couldn’t imagine not having Jason by his side. “I know. Now, let’s eat. I’m fucking starving.”


Jason’s phone rang as he turned from Laurel Canyon onto Sunset. He debated ignoring it since the top was down on his Ficaro Monaco convertible. He hardly ever drove the damn thing anymore. He hardly ever drove at all anymore, owing to his ever-present security team. Riding in an SUV was easier when you traveled with that many people. But the unseasonably warm temperatures spurred on by the bright, yellow sunshine had put Jason in a surprisingly pleasant mood. So he’d insisted on driving with the top down to his lunch date with Seong Woo. Seong Hyeon also seemed to enjoy the sunny ride. Jason even caught a hint of a grin on his face one of the few times he’d looked over.

But he had a sense that it would be Naomi calling, so he tapped the answer button on the steering wheel. “What’s up, Naomi?”

“If you’re in your car, I assume you’re heading to lunch with Seong Woo.”
