Page 25 of Idol Moves

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“Then I don’t have anything to worry about, do I?” Jason leaned down and kissed Tae Hyun’s forehead. “I trust you. That’s why I don’t act jealous. And I don’t believe for a second that keeping you from doing what you love will prevent you from ever falling out of love with me and finding someone else.”

Tae Hyun nodded. Jason may never have been cheated on, but he certainly knew the pain of losing the person he loved. Probably even more so than Tae Hyun. Then he smiled. “Okay. I love you. And I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“Don’t be.” Jason rolled off Tae Hyun and lay beside him. “I mean, it’s a little early for existential relationship talk. But it’s always okay.” He grabbed Tae Hyun’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Are we good? Cuz I seriously gotta piss.”

Tae Hyun chuckled. “Go ahead. We’re good.”

Tae Hyun also had to go. But he let Jason use the main bathroom, trotting through the house to one of the guest bathrooms instead. He’d never imagined having more than one bathroom, but Jason’s house had four, plus a half bath. And being able to use a different toilet every day felt decadent in the best way.

Jason made them smoothies for breakfast. Those were perfect since Tae Hyun needed the energy, but the last thing he wanted was a full stomach while he danced. Tae Hyun downed his as he double-checked that his gym bag had everything he needed for the day. Then he set his glass near the sink.

“What are you doing today?”

Jason pulled his smoothie glass from his lips to reveal a pale green foam mustache. “I’m coming to watch you practice.”

“What?” Tae Hyun pushed his brows together. Had he forgotten about that? “Uh, okay.”

Jason snorted and wiped his face with the back of his hand. “I’m just kidding. I know you don’t want me there. And I’m meeting with Naomi this morning to finalize the outstanding venue contracts, anyway.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “I’m sorry. And I don’t mind you watching me. I just don’t want to distract the dancers. Having Seong Min there is bad enough.”

Jason laughed. “Can you blame them? Seong Min’s stacked like an Aztec pyramid.” He stepped up to Tae Hyun and took him in his arms. “But I’ll see you after.”

Tae Hyun nodded before offering Jason a slow, gentle goodbye kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Seong Min was already waiting when Tae Hyun went outside. His ears warmed as he approached the SUV, thinking about the possibility that his bodyguard might’ve heard them talking about him. But, of course, he couldn’t have. Tae Hyun climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up.

“Good morning, Seong Min.”

“Good morning, Mr. Woo, sir.” Unlike his brother, Seong Min wasn’t afraid to smile. “To the dance studio, right?”

“Yes, please.” Tae Hyun smiled as he set his gym bag between his feet. “How’s your morning?”

“It’s been pleasant, sir. Thank you.” Seong Min pulled around to the end of the drive and out onto the street. “Are you rehearsingFreefall Into Youagain today?”

Tae Hyun tried to hide his surprise, realizing he had no reason to be. Of course, Seong Min knew the song’s name. He’d been to every rehearsal. Hell, he probably knew the songs as well as Tae Hyun. “Yes, we are.”

“Ah. I like that one.” Seong Min briefly frowned. Was he fidgeting in his seat? “I mean, I like all the songs. All of your songs, sir. But I like that one the best.” He clamped his mouth shut.

Tae Hyun imagined Seong Min was mentally berating himself for breaking some bodyguard rule about expressing opinions to his client. Too bad. Tae Hyun wanted to know more. “Why’s that?”

“It makes me think that one day I may fall in love, too.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “One day? Haven’t you ever been in love?” Jason had asked that of Tae Hyun once before they’d started being honest with each other. And Tae Hyun had lied about it, saying no, only to later realize that he was really telling the truth. What he had with Chang Min hadn’t been love at all.

Seong Min shook his head. “No, sir. As I’m sure you can imagine, this job doesn’t allow much time for dating anyone.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

Seong Min smiled. “It’s alright, sir. I’m not trying to guilt you. I enjoy working for you. Before I did, the farthest I’d been from home was Seoul. Now, I’ve been to Thailand and America. I’ve even been in Los Angeles long enough to know my way around parts of it. I love this job.” He paused to check his mirrors before changing lanes. “Although I almost didn’t take it.”

Tae Hyun didn’t bother hiding his surprise that time. He figured he already knew the answer but asked the question anyway. “Why not?”

“It was a very last-minute request, you’ll recall. And I’d never done any celebrity work before.” Tae Hyun nodded, realizing he’d guessed wrong. He’d assumed it was because he and Jason were gay. But Seong Min had never once said or done anything homophobic. And, as the celebrity in question, Tae Hyun knew that the demands on his security would be different from ordinary bodyguard work. “But then my brother found out it was you and told me he’d never speak to me again if I didn’t take the job.” Seong Min quietly chuckled. “He’s a big fan, you see. He’s been aDreamersince the beginning.”

Tae Hyun’s jaw fell open. “Seong Hyeon’s aDreamer? He never said anything.”
