Page 41 of Lost and Found

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Damn, but it hurts. "She blackballed me."

"She doesn't have the power or the pull in Atlanta to do that, but I'd bet she gave terrible references to everyone who called about you."

"Which explains why no one hired me." The ache is turning to anger, a white hot fiery thing that I have no idea what to do with.

I don't get angry. I avoid conflict.

"Any chance you'll come back and take Starshine from her? The new baker she's hired is horrible and business is going downhill quick."

That almost makes me sadder than Abby's betrayal. Even without me there, I hoped my little bakery would thrive. "Why would she hire a bad baker?"

"Clarissa thinks she's sleeping with him, but my theory is she fired you without a Plan B. She was working so hard on pushing you out, she didn't make time to figure out what to do without you. She didn't fully understand that you were the magic that was making Starshine thrive."

"And it's not thriving now?"

Another puff. "I'm just the cashier, Dani. All I can say is there have been steadily fewer customers and I wouldn't be surprised if Abby was just looking for an excuse to fire me because she can't afford me any longer."

"But you don't know that for sure."

"Man, I don't know much, but I do know with one hundred percent certainty that Abby is not your friend and you are better off not partnering with her anymore. Bake delicious food and do great things."

"Thanks, Thomas."

After I hang up, I toss my phone on the couch and drop my head in my hands. How did I misjudge Abby so completely?

I need to talk to Abby, but I'm not sure I can handle any more bad news at the moment.


I look up to see Goldy standing in the doorway to the living room, her face paler than usual, her eyes wide.

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know you had some serious trouble in Atlanta," she says in a soft voice. "You were blackballed?"

I sigh, so not in the mood for this. "I trusted the wrong person. I screwed up. You don't need to lecture me on the error of my ways."

"You think that's what I'm going to do?"

I roll my eyes. "Come on, Goldy. You've never been quiet about what you think of me. I'm the one who has her head in the clouds, who's a dreamer and out of touch with reality." I tap my fingers on my thigh. "What did you say about me at my high school graduation? We'll be lucky if she can keep a job as a baker. College would be too big a stretch for her. Everyone thought that was hilarious."

Impossibly, Goldy goes even paler. "I don't remember… Oh, no, Dani. I was just making a joke, because the cupcakes you baked for the graduation party had gone flat. Remember? You put in baking powder instead of baking soda." She shakes her head and grimaces. "Or something like that. I was just joking."

I snort. "It was a common joke. So common, it felt like the truth to me. I was determined to prove you all wrong."

She frowns. "You don't need to prove anything to me."

I shake my head, my throat tight and my eyes burning. I will not cry in front of Goldy. "Because it's easier to think of me as the screw up sister, right? I wouldn't want to confuse everyone by getting something right."

"That's not fair, Dani. Each of us has our own strengths. I'm good at business. If you'd come to me before you got involved with—"

I push to my feet, emotions swirling, chief among them hurt and anger. "I don't need advice, Goldy. I'm fully aware of how badly I fucked up."

"Dani, that's not—"

I grab my cell and start for the door. I just need to get out of here. "Maybe you should figure out your own shit before you try to give advice to someone else."

When I look back, her expression is tight. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asks.
