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"Please," I say. "Just go."

He gives me a long look, nods, and leaves without another word.

I watch him drive away and get my emotions under control. "Alright, ladies, I'm ready. Let's go get our drink on."

Like a chariot from heaven, a minivan pulls up and Francis and Marcus hop out. They're both dressed in ridiculous snow suits that have to be from the seventies, neon and bright enough to fill in as traffic cones. "Are we ready to party?" Marcus yells.

Francis and Marcus are strippers we met a couple of years ago in Vegas and they've been part of our chosen family ever since. They were just colleagues when we met them, but they're best friends now all thanks to us.

"Oh, my god," I yell as I run toward them. "You didn't tell me you brought the guys." I leap on Marcus and he catches me, wraps one arm around me, leans back, and swings his other arm like he's holding a lasso.

"Ride me, cowgirl," he shouts.

I laugh and play along, holding on with my good arm and pretending to ride him.

"My turn." Francis plucks me off Marcus and hugs me tight as he spins me in a big circle. "I missed you, girlie."

"I missed you too, Francis. How's your neighbors-to-lovers plot going?"

He sets me on my feet and beams. "I won him."

I high five him. "Way to go. When's the wedding?"

His smile grows. "No wedding. He's terrible in bed and he says he can never be serious about a stripper."

"Boo." I give an exaggerated thumbs down. "You're way too good for him."

"That's what I said." Marcus pats Francis on the back. "Come on, we need to get out of here before the moms find us."

I freeze, my blood going cold. I look at my cousins, but they appear to be as shocked and appalled as I am. "The moms? Please tell me you're talking about your moms."

"Sorry." Francis pulls me back under his arm and squeezes. "They showed up at your condo and moved in. We only escaped by promising to bring you back to them."

I turn to my cousins. "How did they find me?"

Peach bites her lip, her eyes filling with tears. Peach can't say no to anyone, but she especially can't say no to her mother. "It's Christmas." She drops her hands by her sides helplessly, looking dismally sad. "I didn't think they'd actually come here."

"It's not your fault. A small town with such a wholesome theme would typically be the last place they'd show up. They must need something."

"Let's go." Blue grabs my hand and pulls me toward the minivan. "The longer we can avoid them, the better."

"You go ahead." I pull free. "I'll be there in a minute."

As my cousins head to the van with Francis and Marcus, I walk over to Josephine, who's watching with an amused expression.

"Do you need help with anything before I go?" I ask.

"No. You go have fun, just don't hurt your arm worse or get too drunk. I need you here early tomorrow."

"I'll be here. We've got to get better numbers tomorrow than we got today."

"That hot chocolate and baked goods vendor you called is coming tomorrow. We'll see if that helps the numbers."

"Really? That's awesome. It's all coming together."

She leans in and puts her hand on my good arm. "Just so we're clear, I want you to keep working for me. I'm not sure I can give you full-time hours after the busy season, but don't run off and leave Yuletide because of one grump with his head up his ass."

Her words warm me straight to my core. "I don't hate the idea of staying here, but what if I can't find enough work?"
