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"I can bail them out," Xavier whispers in my ear.

"No," I say, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Mom and Aunt Natalie came to our town and stole from the residents." I look at my mother and my aunt. "Did you even think what it would do to me for you to commit a crime here? I'm trying to establish a business, to build a life here, and you didn't even think about me or Blue or Peach for a second, did you?"

Mom looks up, mascara perfectly in place because she only buys the best, fake tears running down her cheeks. "We were stealing the ornaments for you, Cherry. Your tree is pitiful. We were going to make it beautiful."

I turn to the officer. "Did you hear that?"

He winks. "Sounds like a confession to me."

"Now tell him Cherry and Xavier were trying to stop you and had nothing to do with the theft." Peach lifts her chin high.

"Peach, no daughter of mine would do this to me." Aunt Natalie glares at her daughter, her voice shaking with anger. "You're a selfish little idiot, but I never thought you'd be this cruel."

Tears gather in Peach's eyes, and I'm sure she's going to give in. Aunt Natalie tears her down to make her feel so small she'll do whatever her mother asks, then Natalie ignores her until she needs her or needs to tear someone down to feel better about herself.

To my surprise, Peach doesn't fold. She faces her mother, chin quivering. "I'm cutting you out of my life, Mom, until you can talk to me respectfully."

She turns and marches away with Blue's arm around her shoulders. The moms stare after them in complete shock, then turn to me, desperation in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you brought this on yourselves. Goodbye."

Feeling a little choked up myself, I walk away and I don't look back.



Iknock on Cherry's door, hoping she hasn't changed her mind about me. I drove straight to her place after my parents dropped me off at my truck, which was parked at Liam and Murphy's house.

My mom talked Cherry's ear off in the parking lot of the police station, inviting her to dinner and telling her to come over for Christmas tomorrow. Mom is genuinely excited about Cherry being my girlfriend, but she's also clearly worried about Cherry breaking up with her mother on Christmas eve and doesn't want her to be alone.

Cherry's door swings open and Blue, in tiny sleep shorts and an over-sized sweatshirt, grins at me. "Hello, sexy. Have you come to celebrate with us?"

Behind her, the floor of Cherry's small condo is covered in clothes and accessories, with two air mattresses taking up the remaining floor space. Peach, Francis, and Marcus are all cuddled up together in Cherry's bed with tons of blankets, food, and wine, the Christmas tree glowing merrily behind them. I don't see Cherry anywhere.

"Is Cherry here?"

"Nope." Blue winks and turns to her sister and friends. "Guys, where did Cherry say she was going again?"

"To get laid," Francis yells.

Peach smiles at me shyly. "She's probably already at your cabin. Please don't judge Blue and Francis. They don't know how to behave around beautiful, civilized people."

"Oh, hush. We just like to have fun." Blue walks outside and pulls the door closed behind her, forcing me to step back into the hallway. She points one perfectly manicured finger at me. "Cherry is like a sister to me and if you hurt her, if you make her even a teensy bit sad, I will destroy you."

I hold up my hands. "Hurting her is the last thing I want to do."

She narrows her eyes. "I don't just mean I'll kill you and dump your body in an icy lake, Shaw. I'll destroy you slowly, tearing your life apart piece by piece until you've lost everything you've ever held dear, your business, your friends, and your family. You'll be all alone, rejected by everyone you've ever loved, and begging me to put you out of your misery. But I won't let you die. I'll make sure you live a very, very long time."

I move out of reach. I don't know this woman well enough to know if she can carry out her threat, but she certainly pulls off intimidating.

She smiles. "Now get out of here. I'll text Cherry to let her know you're on your way."

"Um, thanks?"

She winks and goes back into the condo, singing a Christmas carol.

I remember how to breathe and head back into the night to find the woman I love.
