Page 22 of Abbe's Angel

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Abbe could barely catch her breath. “What infractions?!”

Morales gestured back to Mabel. “Cats roaming in unsafe areas. Large dogs allowed to mix with smaller ones—”

Here, Abbe cut him off, “We go through a long period of observation before we allow any intermingling, no matter the relative sizes of the dog. Temperament, and the way the dogs interact, can sometimes be more important than size—”

It was Morales’ turn to cut her off. “Be that as it may, it’s still against regulations. I’m going to have to write you up.”

Mabel picked that moment to jump up on the reception desk and run the tip of her tail under Abbe’s nose, holding it there, which gave Abbe a very undignified-looking cat tail mustache.

Morales took out his pad and wrote down another note.

“Wait, back up,” Charles said, flapping his hands. “We got raided by the state—who normally love you—andour funding is cut off again?”

Abbe loved that he used the plural and included himself in this, while at the same time, she was glad that he wasn’t actually in this with her, either contractually or financially. She didn’t want Charles to have his breeder’s license questioned, or go bankrupt along with her.

“Worse,” she admitted. “Now, not only am I going to have to reapply for my operating license, but I’ve also gotten myself in debt. Arc A is now insisting that if I don’t start paying it back by the end of the month, they have the legal authority to allow the bank to start seizing property.”

Charles looked shocked. “They can do that?”

“Funny, but billion-dollar corporations seem to have a bit of leverage over the banking system,” she said with a wry expression.

“The bank probably just wants the house,” Charles added cynically.

“Oh, I’m sure that sweetens the pot for them. The value of this place is astronomical.”

He gave her a consoling look. “That does sort of lead me to my next question…”

“…why don’t I just sell the house, take the money, and open another animal shelter under a new license in a cheaper town? A place that will have no dog-run yard in the back with big trees shading it, and no fresh air, and mediocre local veterinarians who can’t hold a candle to Henry?”

“Right,” Charles said, understanding.

“Honestly, though? I’ve thought about it,” Abbe admitted. “But it’s a little late now, anyway. I have to find a way to pay my bills or I won’t own a house to sell.”

“I just don’t understand why Arc A keeps running hot and cold on you. Make up your mind, right?” Charles said.

Abbe gave a weak laugh. “That seems to be a theme in my life right now.”

Charles popped his eyes at her. “Do tell.”

“I might have kind of sort of slept with Rafe two days ago?” she said, grimacing.

Charles screamed. “Shut up! Was it fantastic?”

She rolled her eyes. “Life changing. But he left anotein the morning—”

“Boo. Hiss,” Charles interjected.

“Exactly, and in the note, he said he’d callsoon.” She made mocking air quotes with her fingers.

“What the crap does that mean?” Charles said, sneering.

Abbe shrugged and threw up her hands. “No idea.”

“Yuck,” Charles said.


Charles thought about it. “But it hasn’t even been two full days yet. Lots of people wait a day or two before calling. He might not want to look desperate.”
