Page 31 of Abbe's Angel

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Rachel was not good with human emotions. “Ah, bake me a cake and buy me a beer,” she said gruffly, and then hung up on Abbe, who was not offended at all.

When Steven and Maria arrived after school, Abbe decided she deserved a coffee break. She walked the few blocks to The Chipped Mug and instead of getting her coffee to go as she usually would have, she sat down at one of the open tables to give herself a moment to think. While she was looking out the window the grey skies figured they’d had enough of hinting at rain, and just went ahead and did it. The yellows, oranges, and reds of the turning leaves on the trees outside looked brighter against the darkening pavement and the pewter-colored sky. She let herself stare at the natural beauty, recharging.

Abbe saw her friend Avrika enter the shop, shaking water from her long, black hair. They smiled at each other. Like all former roommates, their smiles were full of history. Abbe waved her over, inviting her to sit.

“I actually just came in to escape the rain,” Avrika said. “But I am glad you’re here.”

“It’s been too long,” Abbe agreed.

“How are you?” Avrika asked, and by the look on her face, Abbe could tell that she didn’t think the answer would be good.

Abbe laughed ruefully. “Honestly? I don’t know what I am right now.”

Avrika nodded. “Anything to do with that tall, gorgeous man I saw you with the other night?”

Abbe blushed and tried to turn her giggle into a more dignified chuckle, but it came out as a snicker, which was worse.

“He’s definitely got me in a spin,” Abbe admitted.

“He would get anyone in a spin,” Avrika agreed. “Is it serious?”

Abbe shrugged and sipped her coffee. “It’s new. I don’t know if I’m coming or going yet.”

Avrika studied her for a while before saying, “I saw Danny a few days ago. He asked if I’d seen you.”

Abbe knew that talk about her ex was inevitable with Avrika. “And what did you say?” she asked, keeping her voice neutral.

Avrika shrugged. “I didn’t give him any details. I said I saw you here, and that you looked as spectacular as ever, and that was it.”

Avrika and Danny were cousins, and they had been close their whole lives. Avrika had introduced Abbe and Danny, and even though he had clearly been the one at fault in their breakup, Avrika’s lifelong loyalty to Danny had meant that Abbe had lost Avrika as a best friend when he’d ended things.

“He loves you. He knows he made a terrible mistake,” Avrika said.

Abbe nodded, her eyes unfocused. “Yeah. He’s said as much to me.”

Avrika clicked her tongue. “You’re really not going to forgive him, are you?” she asked, with just the barest hint of censure.

That was another reason Abbe had lost so many friends after she and Danny broke up. When he’d wanted her back, she had refused him. There were a lot of people in their friend group—in the world in general, Abbe had found—who secretly believed that a woman should forgive a man anything if he was sorry enough and looked miserable enough.

“Oh, I forgave him,” Abbe replied. Avrika shot her a disbelieving smirk. “I did,” Abbe insisted.

“Then why not give him another chance?” she said, like it was the easiest thing in the world. “He was an idiot, no doubt, but he panicked. Everyone makes mistakes.”

“They do,” Abbe agreed. “But the problem is that I don’t trust him anymore. Would you go back to someone you didn’t trust?”

Avrika sighed heavily like Abbe was the one being difficult. “He still has the ring.”

“He should sell it,” Abbe said, standing. There was no point in continuing this conversation any longer.

Avrika put a hand on her arm to stop her. “He hasn’t dated anyone since you. Not for this whole year. It’s like he’s waiting for you to come back to him. Just talk to him. Please. For me? Wouldn’t it be great for all of us to just…be together again? We all miss you. I miss you.”

Abbe heard that her friend was in pain about this and gave her a hug. “I miss you too,” she said, holding her tight and feeling her heart pinch. “I gotta go.”

“Fine, go. But I’m going to tell Danny you’re seeing someone,” Avrika called out teasingly as Abbe walked to the door, “and he will probably call you.”

Abbe had to laugh at that. “Tell him whatever,” she said. Then she stepped through the door and blew Avrika a kiss from the other side of the glass. “Love you.”

“I love you too!” Avrika shouted after Abbe as she strode, laughing and shaking her head, down the street.
