Page 44 of Abbe's Angel

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Abbe threw her shirt at him. “I was reaching for the leash!”

“I’m keeping this,” he said, holding onto her shirt.

“I’ll just go to work like this then,” she said, kneeling on the bed and pushing her bare breasts out at him.

“Fuck,” he said, grabbing a handful, and guiding her nipple into his mouth.

“Oh,” Abbe breathed when she realized her teasing had backfired. She pushed him off of her, hard. “I’m going to work.”

“All I need is five minutes,” he begged, but he did let her jump off the bed.

“You’ll just have to wait for later,” Abbe said, slipping into a bra and pulling her shirt on.

“When?” Rafe asked, swinging his legs out of bed, and going to his pile of clothes on the chair. “Can I see you tonight?”

Abbe thought about it. Was it too soon? Were they seeing too much of each other? She had no idea. All she knew was she wanted to see him, but she didn’t know if she should want tothismuch. Was it wrong to want to be with him all the time?

“Abbe? This is taking you way too long,” Rafe said, sounding annoyed.

“I’m sorry.”

“Wait—sorry because you can’t see me tonight?”

“No.” She put a hand to her head. “I mean maybe.” She had no idea what the hell was going on anymore. All she could think or feel was him.

“Maybe,” he repeated. “Not my favorite word.”

“I just need a second to think,” she said, starting to feel choked up.

“Okay,” he said, backing off. He finished dressing and moved more toward the door, waiting for her, but very pointedly giving her space.

“Iwantto see you,” she said carefully. “Too much.”

He smiled. “That I can handle,” he said. “Do you want me to drive you to work?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“At least you still know how to say it,” he mumbled, and Abbe smacked his arm playfully on their way out the door.

Her day was anything but ordinary. The Halloween promotion was working exceptionally well, especially for the cats for some reason Abbe couldn’t pinpoint. Charles had come to the shelter to put some of the animals who had been there the longest in costume, and Abbe had to admit there really was nothing more hilarious than seeing Jinx dressed up like a butterfly.

“I think it might make him look even uglier,” Charles mused once he had all the bows and glittery wings just so.

Abbe nodded in agreement. “Let’s just hope it gets him adopted,” she said, truly worried about Jinx. It wasn’t his looks that were keeping him from finding a forever home. It was the fact that he tried to bite anyone who took an interest in him.

“I don’t think he likes to be talked down to,” Charles noticed.

“It’s like everyone who thinks he’s so ugly he’s cute tries to simper at him. And that just freaks him out,” she added.

Charles gave her a consoling look. “I think your best bet is still going to be the ugly dog competition for him.”

“Everyone loves a winner,” Abbe agreed.

The day had been getting on exceptionally well when Charles nudged Abbe with his elbow so hard he gave her dead arm.

“Ow! What the hell—” she began, but then she saw what his problem was. Danny had walked into the shelter.

“Oh my god,” Charles said under his breath.
