Page 46 of Abbe's Angel

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Danny was outraged for her sake. “Who is this donor?” he asked. “Do you think it’s all connected?”

“They’re a Boston company called Arc A,” she replied, even though he should have known that. Arc A had been funding her since she opened her shelter. It’s not the first time she’d said the name in front of Danny. “They’re some kind of hedge fund or—you know what? I’m not really sure all the different things they do. I know it’s terrible, but when I originally looked them up five years ago, I couldn’t keep track of all the different investments they’re involved in.”

“Ah yes, the diversified portfolio argument,” Danny narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He had a deep mistrust of big corporations. “I bet they give to charities like yours, just to cover up their heinous crimes,” he said, tutting.

Abbe shrugged in a non-committal way. She didn’t want to think poorly about the company that had given her so much.

“Let me see what I can do,” Danny said.

Abbe thanked him, but she really didn’t see how he could help. Being an activist made him feel like he was making a difference in the world, and Abbe always liked to believe that he was, but it’s not like he was in a position to call the state and get her license back. Or call Arc A and get her funding back.

“It’s thoughtful of you to try,” Abbe said. She noticed that they had already been talking for over half an hour. “I should really go,” she said.

“But we haven’t even started talking aboutmeyet,” Danny said, kidding. But also sort of not.

“I have to get back,” she said, standing.

“Then we’ll have to meet up again so I can tell you what’s going on with me,” Danny said, heading out with her and going in the direction of the shelter. She knew what he was doing.

“Danny, look,” Abbe began delicately as they walked. “I’m seeing someone.”

“I know,” he said, managing to keep most, but not all of the disappointment out of his voice. “But what’s wrong with us going for coffee every now and again?” he asked. “I mean, he’s not the kind of guy who’s going to insist you stop speaking to all your male friends, is he?”

Abbe felt caught. She knew there was something wrong with what he was saying, painting Rafe as a possessive jerk if he had a problem with Danny trying to edge in and rekindle their relationship, but it took her a second to figure out exactly why that was such a manipulative thing to say.

“We were never friends, Danny. It’s different, and you know it,” she finally replied.

By this time, they had made it far enough back to the shelter for Abbe to see a familiar black Panamera parked out front, and she couldn’t stop herself from flushing and smiling at the sight of it.

Danny noticed the car as well. He also took in Abbe’s reaction to it.

“Wait—is that him? That’s his car?” Danny asked, his face a mask of disgust.

“Yes, that’s Rafe’s car,” Abbe replied calmly, hoping her tone would bring his down a little. Danny was practically shouting.

“That’s a turbo S, and it’scustom. Do you have any idea how much those cars cost?” He made a scoffing sound. “Why don’t you just askRafeto fund your shelter?”

Abbe couldn’t believe he’d said that. “For someone who’s always lecturing about the evils of personal wealth, you know a lot about luxury cars,” she said.

Danny shot her a scathing look. “Like you don’t know how rich your new boyfriend is. This is what you’re into now, huh?”

“I’m not into him because of the car he drives!” Abbe said, but Danny wasn’t listening anymore. He was ranting.

“Do you really thinkthisguy,” he waved a hand at the car like it was Rafe, “is going to be interested in the hot chick with the bleeding heart who runs an adorable animal shelter for long? Don’t kid yourself. You’re a novelty to him.”

Abbe was too insulted to speak.

“You know what? Forget it,” Danny said, walking away from her. “Good luck with that, Abbe.”

She stared after him for a moment, so stunned by the whole outburst that she couldn’t believe it had happened. Her mouth still agape, Abbe went inside the shelter to find Rafe and Charles waiting for her in the reception area.

“There she is! Thank god you’re here!” Charles said in a rush of forced cheerfulness.

Abbe realized that Rafe looked furious. “Is that why you couldn’t decide whether or not you were free today?” he said, waving a hand in Danny’s general direction.

“Wait—what? No,” Abbe said.

“You just ran into him, then?” Rafe asked.
