Page 51 of Abbe's Angel

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They finally made it out to their respective cars, Jinx with Abbe and Rafe in his car, and Bianca and Charles with all of his supplies in her car, and started the drive up to the North Shore.

The freeway was hemmed in color, the changing leaves of the trees were glossy in the bright sun. Energized by the crisp, clear air, Abbe couldn’t stop smiling. Every time she glanced at Rafe, she felt something slip inside of her, like a cool ribbon was sliding through her insides. She tried to look at the beautiful scenery scrolling by, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of him, and he knew it. He would glance over at her, too, and grip the steering wheel a little tighter or reach out and hold her hand over the center console.

“My brother is coming next weekend from London for a family Halloween party,” Rafe said, glancing repeatedly at her, trying to read her face and drive at the same time. “I want you to meet him.”

Abbe smiled. “I’d really like that. His name is Cass, right?”


“Your family has interesting names. Pretty,” she added quickly, in case he thought she was being facetious. “Just not common. Is there a story behind them?”

“There is,” he said, frowning.

She waited for him to continue, but instead, he changed the subject back to the dinner. “It’s going to be a family dinner but also sort of a work event. You know my family owns a corporation—hasowned one for several generations.”

She knew he had taken over his father’s business with his uncle, and then later, his younger brother came on board, but she didn’t know about the multiple generational aspects. That meant old money, something Boston was good at. Abbe on the other hand had never encountered it before.

“I didn’t know that, but okay,” she said, reminding herself that no matter how old Rafe’s family was, he was still the same person who was taking her to an ugly dog competition.

“You really haven’t done a search on my family at all?” he asked. “I mean, I kind of assumed you hadn’t, but you really don’t know anything about us?”

“Should I?” she asked. Abbe stared at his profile, trying to figure out why he was so uncomfortable. “What are you, like, royalty or something?”

He laughed. “No, but there is a lot of history. A lot of… ah… layers.” He glanced over at her, scanned her carefully, and looked away, even more distressed. Like he was starting to measure her with eyes other than his own.

Abbe shifted, uncomfortable. “Families are complicated,” she said.

“My family more than most. Abbe, look, my family is…” He trailed off, and then he just stopped talking.

Abbe sat forward in her seat so she could see his expression. She didn’t like where this conversation was going anymore.

“Are you worried I’m going to embarrass you or something?” she asked, point blank.

“No!” he said, looking surprised. “Is that what I seem like?”

“Yeah, kind of,” she said.

He laughed under his breath and reached across the console for her hand again. She let him take it but she was still uneasy. “You’re perfect,” he said quietly. Then he shook his head. “We’ll talk about it later. I shouldn’t have brought it up right before you have to compete.”

That made Abbe laugh. “I don’t think an ugly dog competition is something I need to get into the zone for, but okay. We’ll talk about it later.”

The fairgrounds were just opening when they arrived, and Abbe flashed her competition badge to get everyone in.

“Is that the dog for your entry?” the security guards asked.

“Yes,” Abbe said, lifting the carrier.

They recoiled as a group as soon as they saw Jinx’s leathery body and pop-eye glaring out at them from behind the bars.

“That’s a winner right there,” they all agreed.

As they started navigating their way across the ground, looking for their pavilion, Rafe said, “I’m starting to feel bad for Jinx.”

“Don’t,” Abbe said. “I think he actually enjoys unsettling people.”

Once they were checked in, there wasn’t much for their party to do besides enjoy the fair until the competition. They put Jinx in a little harness with his competition badge attached, and took him around, building support for his cause.

“Can I hold him?” Bianca asked as soon as they struck out.
