Page 22 of Bianca's Bastard

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He followed her up, both of them removing bits of clothing as they went. Their shirts, her bra, his shoes. By the time they got to her room, his pants were undone at the waist. He put the gun down on her dresser and left it there, moving quickly across the room to catch her bare breasts in his hands again.

“Protection?” he asked.

“I get the shot,” she said.

“Fantastic,” he said, grinning.

She grinned back at him, and quickly undid her jeans as he stripped the last of his clothes off. He eased her back onto the bed and pulled her panties off, then brought his head back up between her legs, pushing them apart.

“Do you have any idea how much I wanted to touch you the last time?” he said, and then he ran his thumb over her clit, brushing it upward. Bianca gasped and writhed under him. He positioned himself between her legs in the same way as they’d been in the boat, but this time he dropped his head down. “Do you know how much I wanted to taste you?”

He kept his thumb on her clit, stroking it upwards, and slid his tongue inside her, making her arch under him like a drawn bow.

“Say my name,” he said, his breath brushing over her as he spoke.

“Elias,” she said, her voice breaking. It almost sounded like she was crying.

“Again,” he ordered, and she obeyed.

He brought his lips to her clit and kissed the stiff, swollen bud, caressing it slowly with his lips and tongue until she was repeating his name over and over, begging him.


“I will,” he said. “But slowly.”

He positioned himself above her, his cock sliding back and forth over her, but not entering until they both couldn’t stand it any longer. He pushed inside her, and in just a few thrusts they were both climaxing.

He sunk down onto her and she kept her arms and legs wrapped around him. He nuzzled her neck with his mouth before rolling them both over. She rested against his side, her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest, feeling his heart. He put his free hand over hers.

“This is what I wanted in the boat,” he said, hugging her tightly against him.

Elias woke up, rolled over and partially hung off the side of the bed, reaching for something on the floor. Bianca sat up behind him.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Your phone keeps buzzing,” he said, digging through the discarded clothes until he found her phone and passed it to her. He flopped down beside her on his back. Bianca stared at the screen blearily.

“It’s just my brothers. And my uncle. Wow, and mymother.That’s terrifying,” she said, scrolling through the texts and the missed calls. She turned her phone off and snuggled back down into bed with him, but she could feel that Elias’ mind was racing. She lifted her head to look at him. “What?”

“Is it going to be a problem that I’m here?” he asked.

Bianca snorted. “Maybe for them,” she said.

“Seriously, should I go?” he asked, sitting up.

“No,” Bianca said, sitting up next to him.

His brow was furrowed. “I don’t want to cause any more trouble for you,” he said. “You already have a driver or bodyguard or whatever that guy is watching you—which, by the way, is extremely fucked up.”

“I know.” Bianca looked down at the sheets, worried about what he thought of her.

“Is it always like this for you?” he asked.

“It’s a sensitive time for my family. My uncle is thinking of running for public office and I think there’s a reporter sniffing around…”

“A reporter?” he repeated, looking alarmed. “How do you know?”

Bianca shrugged. “No one gets close to us right now without Cass knowing about it.
