Page 21 of When You're Close

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Frederick hesitated, then sighed deeply. "Sometimes, during the days when he is calmer... Nathaniel was a sweet boy, full of life and curiosity. But something shifted when he was ten. He began displaying certain... pathological behaviors. It only worsened as the years went by."

Amelia's brow furrowed in concern. "Is he dangerous?"

"I'm not one to diagnose," Frederick said carefully, "but it's clear that Nathaniel's condition is beyond Lady Ferguson's ability to handle. I've suggested more than once that he be moved to a specialized facility on the mainland."

Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. "And?"

"Lady Ferguson was horrified at the idea," he replied grimly. "She's had her fill of doctors and claims they've done nothing but harm. But I think it's only a matter of time before it becomes too much. The lady should bite the bullet and get the man the help he needs."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a stern, commanding voice. "Frederick! That is not your place to discuss!"

Lady Ferguson, clad in a flowing dark gown, stood at the foot of the staircase, her eyes piercing and filled with reproach. She held herself with a regality that seemed to challenge anyone to defy her.

Frederick lowered his gaze. "My apologies, Lady Ferguson."

With a huff, the older woman watched him closely. "See that it doesn't happen again."

Frederick nodded, taking a deep breath. "If anyone has further need of me, I'll be at The Fair Folk Inn," he declared before making a swift exit.

Finn watched Frederick's retreating figure, an eyebrow raised in amusement. "So much for going home to his frightened dog."

Amelia shot Finn a look of mild reproach but remained silent. It was clear that Huldra House, with all its secrets, was a place where allegiances shifted as quickly as the island's unpredictable weather.

The sitting room was a testament to the bygone era of Huldra House. Rich, dark woods, faded tapestries, and gilded frames holding portraits of stern-faced ancestors decorated the walls. Thick maroon drapes framed tall windows, and the setting sun cast a warm glow over everything. However, there was a sense of dilapidation, of something beautiful that had been left to wither away, much like Lady Ferguson herself.

Amelia and Finn followed Lady Ferguson into the room, their footsteps muffled by the plush carpets. The aging matriarch took her place in an ornate armchair that stood noticeably higher than the rest. She settled in, her gaze surveying the room like a queen overlooking her court. And though she was a queen of sorts, her realm was one of fading grandeur and whispered secrets.

Finn tried not to show his discomfort at the height disparity, but Amelia noticed. She gave him a knowing look before turning her attention back to Lady Ferguson. Outside, wind and rain lashed the windows.

"Lady Ferguson," Finn began, striving to keep his voice level, "we wanted to ask about the docks under the cliffs near Huldra House."

Lady Ferguson's gaze remained unwavering. "I assumed as much. They were put there by one of my ancestors so that he had access to some boats he used to keep down there. He, like many, thought that you could build something in the face of nature. It only took one bad storm to wreck his dreams, but the docks remained. When I learned of another death on my island, and that a body was trapped down there, I felt it imperative to call the Home Office. I demanded they send the best to investigate."

Finn's eyebrows raised subtly at the 'my island' reference but he said nothing, instead waiting for Lady Ferguson to continue.

"I'm pleased that you two were dispatched for that very purpose," the lady continued, nodding at the detectives. “Your reputation over these last few months has grown in political circles.”

Finn leaned forward, the question gnawing at him. "Do you have any idea why someone would chain a victim to those docks? Especially so close to Huldra House?"

Lady Ferguson's gaze, which had been cool and distant, darkened. "It is a warning," she whispered. "A macabre message intended for those with old ties and deep roots on this island."

Amelia leaned in, intrigued. "And you believe this message is for you?"

The matriarch's chin lifted defiantly. "With Lord Carmichael's unfortunate demise, Nathaniel and I are the only ones left of aristocratic blood on this island. Our lineage, our legacy, makes us prime targets for whoever is behind these heinous acts."

Finn frowned. "Why do you think the killer would target the aristocracy specifically?"

Lady Ferguson’s voice dropped lower, laden with gravity. "This island has a history, Detective. Old grudges, ancient feuds. With Lord Carmichael gone, my son and I represent the last remnants of an era many wish to forget. I called for help, not just for the sake of the island, but to protect my only child."

Finn and Amelia exchanged glances. There was more to Huldra Island than met the eye, and they were only beginning to scratch the surface. But Lady Ferguson's fear was palpable, and it lent weight to her words. The killer had a message, and it was one they intended to decipher.

Lady Ferguson looked away from Finn’s probing gaze, her fingers tracing the delicate embroidery of the cushion beside her. The dim, ambient light from the ornate chandelier above cast a soft glow on her pale skin, highlighting the intricate web of wrinkles that told of age and stress. She seemed a woman burdened by memories, both fond and regrettable.

Amelia leaned forward, her demeanor warm yet assertive, "Lady Ferguson, understanding the tensions within the community might help us to solve these murders, if they are a product of that. Any piece of information, no matter how trivial, could prove valuable."

The older woman sighed, "Young lady, this is an island where past meets present and sometimes, they clash. The people here are proud of their heritage, their stories, their legends. They are wary of outsiders and change. Lord Carmichael's plans were a disruption to the balance that had existed for so long. I was initially as opposed to them as they were. But look around, this place is in decay, I realized soon enough that new life had to be brought here, otherwise Huldra would diminish until, like St Kilda Island many decades ago, the entire community would be gone."

Amelia nodded, her eyes never leaving Lady Ferguson's face. "We understand that, but we're only interested in bringing the killer to justice."
