Page 48 of When You're Close

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The two exchanged a worried glance. The violence of the storm seemed to be deepening by the second, and the urgency to find Lady Ferguson became even more pressing. Finn both wanted to find the source of the strange sound and wanted to avoid it like all hell.

The howl of the storm was a constant backdrop to the fears inside of him, but that dull, rhythmic thud—almost like a heartbeat—became the focus of their attention. Finn's senses were on high alert, and his earlier unease had transformed into a tangible dread. He had a horrible feeling that the noise wasn't just inside the house—it was tied to its very core.

“The Hidden Folk,” Finn wondered out loud to himself, thinking about the hidden entrance to their world supposedly concealed beneath Huldra House. He quickly chastised himself for letting superstition into his thinking.

As Finn and Amelia reached the top of the grand staircase, the labyrinthine corridors of Huldra House stretched before them. The dim light filtering through the cloudy windows added an eerie glow to the faded wallpaper and aging portraits that adorned the walls. Eyes followed them like a vengeful audience about to watch an execution.

The thud sounded again, echoing slightly, its origin tantalizingly unclear. Finn instinctively reached for his side, a habitual gesture from his days with the FBI. Realizing he was unarmed, he muttered, "You have no idea how much I wish I had my gun."

Amelia, her face pale and her eyes darting from shadow to shadow, replied dryly, "You have no idea how muchIwish you had your gun."

As they proceeded down the hallway, the thudding became both louder and more intermittent. The unpredictability of it set Finn's nerves on edge. With every step they took, the dread mounted, and the air grew colder.

Now, another noise joined the eerie chorus—the unmistakable sound of wood creaking. Amelia shot Finn a nervous glance, the tension between them the equal of any storm. Both of them moved silently, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpeting. Each corner they turned held the potential for danger, and they approached every twist and bend with caution.

“I think it's coming from the attic,” Amelia whispered as they neared.

“You're right,” Finn said in a low voice. “I bet it's Nathaniel trying to escape from his room.”

When they reached the hallway that lead to the enclosed attic staircase, they both paused, gazing at it. The thudding and creaking seemed to converge from above, beckoning them into the very heart of the house's mystery.

“Nathaniel?” Amelia said loudly, staring at the staircase doorway.



And a creaking noise like a withered tree,

Taking a deep breath and steeling himself, Finn stepped towards the doorway that led to the rickety steps, with Amelia close behind. With each step, the noises grew louder and more distinct. When they reach the attic stairs, it was cast in darkness.



Finn looked up and could see something, a shape before them on the staircase. For a moment, he thought he was staring at the outline of the wraith itself. Instinctively, he flicked the light switch to his left.

Amelia gasped, and Finn felt sick to his stomach.

Lady Ferguson's lifeless body swung gently from a thick rope looped around a set of sturdy hooks in the ceiling. The drafts from the winds outside, fingered their way through the house, causing her to sway, producing the repetitive thud against the wooden floorboards. Her face was pale, eyes wide in an eternal gaze of horror.

The rope around her neck creaked.

Both Finn and Amelia rushed forward.

“We can save her!” Amelia yelled out.

Her legs, Amelia said, rushing past him to clearly take the weight off of her neck, pushing her upwards. But Finn stopped her.

"Amelia," he said in a gentle voice. "Her neck is broken. I can see it from here."

“No...” Amelia looked defeated. “Why? Why Lady Ferguson?”

"Four dead," Finn said. "A Lord who had previously lived on the island for years. A fisherman, Ivar Ward, who had an altercation with that very man weeks before. Then Frederick, the butler of Huldra House, and now Lady Ferguson. Three of them connected directly with Huldra House, one a wild card we don't understand yet."

Finn thrust the side of his clenched fist against the staircase wall in frustration. He looked up at the dead body of Lady Ferguson. He'd had enough death on that island.

There has to be some damned hope on this island, somewhere, he thought to himself.
