Page 55 of When You're Close

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It seemed that everything was being put to rest, but Finn had something that still unsettled him about their time on the island.

Finn, looking a bit puzzled, asked Nathaniel, "There's one other thing... When I was trapped under that beam, was it you who helped free me?"

Nathaniel simply shook his head. "I wasn't anywhere near you at the time."

Finn's brows furrowed, a haunted look entering his eyes. "For a moment," he murmured, "I thought there were other people in the house helping me. But maybe it was just the trauma, the disorientation from the blow."

Amelia, a chill running down her spine, whispered, "What people, Finn?"

He didn’t answer, because no answer would have made sense to him. Instead, he looked distantly out towards the sea from the cave, the huge waves almost infinite, wondering. Just wondering.


The quaint cottage in Great Amwell sat nestled amid the russet and golden leaves of autumn. The crisp air carried the scent of decay and rebirth. Finn stepped out of his car, absorbing the familiar calm of the place. The key turned smoothly in the lock, and he exhaled heavily as he closed the door behind him. It wasn't Florida, but it was the closest thing he had to a home for now.

After the chaos and horrors of Huldra House, he hoped – no, heneeded– the solace that the cottage promised. He had hoped to leave his troubles behind on that damned island, to recuperate here in silence and solitude.

But when he stepped into the living room, the sight that met his eyes made his heart stop. Demi, his ex-fiancée, was sitting primly in his favorite armchair. Their eyes locked, and the weight of their shared past pressed down on him.

She stood, her gaze unwavering. "You're not getting away from me this time," she declared, her voice a mix of resolve and emotion.

He rubbed his temples. "How did you get in?"

"Pestered Rob,” she admitted with a half-smile. “He finally caved and gave me a key."

Finn ran a hand through his hair. "Look, Demi, I'm drained, mentally and physically. Whatever this is, whatever you're here for, can't it wait?"

But then, he noticed it – a suitcase, small but definitely not empty, sitting quietly by the door. He frowned, pointing at it. "What's that doing here?"

Demi took a deep breath, her eyes tearing up. "Finn," she began, hesitantly, "I'm so scared. There's something you need to know."
