Page 7 of When You're Close

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For Finn, the house beyond looked like a colossal shadow, glaring down at a steep valley from its high ridge. Its many windows were eyes peering out across the land, and a swirl of smoke emanated from a chimney on the high roof, which was then caught by the storm and pulled up from the house like an invisible hand extracting teeth. On the outside of the windows, clawing their way onto the stone sills, were what looked like strange stone-sculpted figures.

The Jeep climbed the steep ridge and then pulled up to Huldra House, and Finn felt a shiver run down his spine. The mansion was even more imposing close up. It loomed over them like a monstrous entity, each brick carved from the same black stone that seemed to dominate the island. It was three stories of Gothic architecture, with unsettling gargoyles and grotesque figures carved into its facade. Two turrets spiraled into the sky, and the windows seemed almost as black and vacant as the rock from which the gargoyles were carved.

McGregor killed the engine. "This is where I leave you. I won’t go beyond this point, not by evening."

"You're kidding," Finn said incredulously. "You're not coming in?"

"I don't go into Huldra House unless the Lady asks. I'll stay at an old fisherman’s cottage on the East side of the island. I leave by boat in the morning. If you'll have any sense, you'll come with me."

Amelia eyed the house warily. "So, we're on our own."

“No, Lassie," McGregor said. "On Huldra Island, yer never alone." McGregor then nodded as if thinking over something important. "I'd have thought we'd have more polis with ye?”

“Polis?” Finn repeated, confused.

“Police,” Amelia answered.

“I read in our report that there isn't a full-time cop on the island?" Finn asked.

“Aye, we have needed one," McGregor nodded. "So you'll need more than you two."

“We have some police officers boating back and forward from Storn on the mainland,” Amelia said. “We'll liaise with them soon, weather permitting. Don't worry, everything will be in hand.”

McGregor smirked, clearly not believing Amelia. He sighed.

"Good luck, young ones," he said, handing Finn a small sheet of paper.

“What's this?” Finn asked.

“My number on the mainland,” he replied. “If you need me to come and get you, call me.”

“Thank you,” Amelia said, before stepping out into the wild weather. Finn did likewise.

They both stood in the downpour, watching as McGregor drove away, his tail lights disappearing into the curtain of rain.

Turning back to the house, Finn approached the imposing oak door, its wood old and gnarled like plagued wood. "After you," he gestured to Amelia.

"Don’t you think we should knock?"

Finn lifted the enormous iron knocker and let it fall. The resounding clang seemed to echo into the storm, swallowed by the winds. There was no response.

"Perhaps they didn’t hear—" Finn started to say, pushing slightly against the door, but then it seemed to creak open all on its own. “I feel like I've stepped into a 50s haunted house film. Where's the smoke machine?”

Amelia looked at Finn, alarmed. "I really think we should wait for someone to let us in."

"I'm wet enough already," Finn grinned, trying to dispel his own rising sense of unease. "I'm pretty sure I heard a scream from inside. Oh... Yes, there it is again. As an investigator, I’m compelled to check it out."

"You did not hear a scream," Amelia admonished, but she stepped in beside him as they both crossed the threshold.

The moment they did, the door slammed shut behind them with a resounding boom, causing both to jump. Finn looked at Amelia, who looked back at him, her eyes wide.

“It's just the wind,” Finn said, trying to reassure her.

Somewhere deep within the mansion, a clock chimed six.

"Remember when I said I wanted to come to Scotland?" Finn murmured as they stared into the dark corridor that stretched before them, its shadows thick and tangible as if they could reach out and grab them. “I meant the cities. A town, even. Anywhere with people... Living people.Actualliving people.”

“I've never known you to be frightened,” Amelia said.
