Page 17 of Girl, Deceived

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Ella walked down the sleek corridor of the County of Los Angeles Medical Examiner’s Office, flanked by steel doors and fluorescent lights overhead. The Medical Examiner's Office, with its pristine surfaces and the unmistakable aroma of antiseptics, was a stark contrast to the visceral horrors she and Mia had witnessed earlier. It was here that the true nature of death was laid bare, stripped of any cinematic drama and presented in unvarnished truth.

Ella’s mind sifted through the psychological implications of this killer’s game, asking herself questions that she couldn’t rightly answer. And when presented with unanswerable questions, the next option was to turn to the hard evidence.

‘We need to pull all footage from the Whitman Apartments, ask the other residents about Mark, and cross-reference Jessica’s call and message logs.’

‘Agreed. I’ll get Daniels and his team on that. Getting clearance to scour through Jessica’s phone could take a while, but I’ll try and fast-track it through.’

Usually, law enforcement were at the whim of external agencies when it came to privacy and security. But Ripley’s clout stretched far and wide. With any luck, she could get access within a few hours.

They found autopsy room 3C. Ella knocked on the door.

A voice, though muffled, came from the other side. ‘Come in.’

Pushing open the heavy door, Ella was immediately struck by the coldness of the room. The sharp tang of antiseptic and death greeted Ella, overpowering the scent of even Ripley’s sweet perfume. Large stainless steel tables were arranged in a precise manner, each accompanied by an array of sharp surgical instruments. Most tables were empty, save for two covered by a stark white sheet.

‘Detectives,’ said a man from behind a computer, his eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses that were specked with droplets. He stood up to greet them. ‘Thank you for coming so promptly. I’m Doctor Weller. I just got finished with the second body an hour ago.’

‘Thanks for meeting us. Could you talk us through everything?’ Ella asked.

‘Certainly.’ The doctor moved between the two tables. ‘Where do you want to start?’

‘Jessica Owen, please.’

‘Very well.’

The coroner uncurled a sheet, revealing Jessica Owen's pallid, rigid body down to the waist. The wound in her abdomen was the centerpiece, a gaping hole that betrayed the violence that had ended her life. Ella felt her throat tighten as she examined it, seeing not only the wound itself but the dark intent behind its creation.

‘This wound,’ Weller began, pointing to the mangled flesh, ‘was inflicted with considerable force. The edges are jagged, which suggests a serrated blade of some sort. From the depth and angle of the cut, the assailant likely had a high degree of physical strength. However, what's interesting is that the incision wasn't made in a single swipe.’

‘You're saying the killer took their time?’

Doctor Weller nodded. ‘Exactly. The cuts are deliberate, almost as if the killer was trying to communicate or recreate something specific. Besides this primary wound, there are also multiple superficial cuts and abrasions across her body, suggesting a prolonged struggle.’

Mia, her face pale, looked at the doctor, ‘What about the cause of death?’

‘Blood loss from this abdominal wound,’ he replied. ‘There's also significant internal damage. It's likely she didn't last long after this wound was inflicted.’

Ella turned to her partner. ‘He cut her first, then inserted the shotgun. He didn’t have the brute strength to force it inside her without a serration.’

Doctor Weller shook his head. ‘The police report mentioned she’d been lanced by a rifle, and no, no one on earth has that kind of strength. The physics doesn’t add up.’

Ripley leaned against one of the counters, her face unreadable, but her knuckles white. ‘This is more than just a murder. It's a statement. A fantasy he’s been harboring for years.’

Ella looked closely at Jessica's hands, her fingernails broken and torn. ‘She must have fought hard.’

‘Yes. Jessica scratched and clawed, but given the depth of the stab wound, it would have only taken a few seconds for her nervous system to shut down.’

Ella ran her fingers through her hair, her mind racing. ‘What about the other victim, Doctor?’

Weller covered Jessica’s body with the sheet again. More a sign of respect than anything else. ‘You ladies might want masks for this one. And possibly a blindfold.’

He reached for another table, the sheet on this one noticeably stained with a dark hue. Taking a deep breath, Ella prepared herself for another shock. Doctor Weller unveiled the body of Kathleen Karter.

Ella took one glance, looked away, then steeled herself for the oncoming inspection. This poor woman had clearly been put through hell, so Ella took a moment to pay her respects. Indifference to death turned a person’s heart to stone, and Ella took every measure to ensure that never happened.

‘Kathleen Carter, twenty-one years old. Killed two nights ago judging by decomposition levels. A teacher in training, according to her records. Put simply, your perpetrator eviscerated her.'
