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Ray said, ‘Sorry to intrude again, but what about Thea? She could take a test too, because if you’re both related to Henry, then that will be a sure-fire way of clearing things up.’

They all fell silent. Mabel finally said, ‘But how will I get her to take a test?’

Callum said, ‘Tell her the truth.’

Mabel raised her eyebrows at Callum. ‘Well, you’re a fine one to talk, aren’t you? Giving me advice about telling the truth …’

Callum looked away, embarrassed.

Mabel said, ‘Show me that photo and the newspaper article again.’

Callum handed them over and watched her study the two photos – the one of her as a child, and the other of Thea and her sister. She passed them to Ray. ‘Do you see the resemblance?’

Ray smiled. ‘I do. But I still recommend the test, to be sure.’

‘All right, Ray. But on one condition,’ said Mabel, turning to Callum. ‘You take the test too.’

‘I told you, I don’t need to.’

Mabel regarded Callum for a long moment. ‘Thea doesn’t know, does she? About you and Henry.’

Callum sighed heavily and took a seat on the sofa. ‘That’s the reason I made you promise not to tell her that I had the photo of her and her sister. I wasn’t ready to tell her about Henry.’ He stared forlornly at his hands. Winston appeared, jumping on the sofa and putting his head on Callum’s lap. He whined. ‘It’s all right, boy,’ said Callum, patting his head.

Callum looked up at Mabel.‘There’s something else she doesn’t know, too.’Callum swallowed. He couldn’t believe he was telling her this. ‘I own this bookshop.’

Mabel furrowed her brow. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Dad, Henry, signed the bookshop over to me.’

This time Mabel was the one who needed to sit down. ‘Why?’

‘Maybe he thought my showbusiness career would falter and I’d need a back-up plan. Maybe because I’m his firstborn, and his only son. Who knows.’

‘Well, didn’t he tell you?’

Callum really didn’t want to get into the reasons why Henry couldn’t tell him, unless he caught his father in a rare lucid moment. Mabel had had enough shocks for one afternoon, without being told about Henry’s condition.

Mabel stared at him. ‘I want you to take the DNA test.’

He stared at her. ‘Oh, you have got to be kidding!’ he exclaimed when he realised what it was about. ‘You think I’m related to Douglas.’

‘It’s possible.’

‘Now you’re saying my mother had an affair?’ Callum shook his head from side to side.

‘You see, anything’s possible,’ said Mabel. ‘Now, how about it? Shall we do one together?’

Callum sighed. ‘Okay, let’s do it. But you can’t let on with Thea the reason why I’m doing one.’


‘Because I need to tell her in my own time who I am, and about Henry. She’s going to hate me when she finds out how I’ve deceived her. I just want her to have the opening day, all right?’

‘I understand.’

Ray looked from Mabel to Callum. ‘I’m not sure I do.’

Mabel smiled at her friend. ‘I’ll explain everything. But first we want to do those tests, and find out the results.’
