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‘I do,’ Thea had said. And so it had transpired that her mum sorted through her boxes in the garage and took a lot of spare clothes, and other items to donate to Mabel and Marjorie’s charity shop. Then she’d hit the road, with her yoga mat, looking forward to exploring her own country, with only the possessions she could fit in the van. And at some point in the future, when she was ready, she’d use the money from the campervan, which was now in a much safer place in her bank account, to buy her dream cottage in a place she would call home.

Thea didn’t share her thoughts with her mum, but she had a feeling that sometime soon, after she’d travelled the length and breadth of the country, looking for her happy place, she’d be back, settling in a cottage on the beautiful Sunrise Coast.

Thea smiled. Thinking of home, Thea now called Jenna’s cottage home. She lived there happily with Toby, Dickens, Winston – and, of course, Callum.

She smiled at Callum, who took her hand as he joined her on the sofa. He put his phone down on the coffee table.

‘Who was that?’ Thea asked, hearing him on the phone a moment earlier. ‘Was that your agent in Hollywood?’

Callum raised a questioning eyebrow. ‘Why would you think that?’

‘Remember, you told me he wanted to be a screenwriter, and was writing a film script. He’s finished it – hasn’t he?’

Callum smiled. ‘Oh, yes. He’s now approaching studios to sell the rights, on the proviso they offer me the leading role. He still wants me to play the lead.’

Thea’s smile faded. ‘Really? I didn’t know that. Will you be going back to LA then?’

Callum squeezed her hand and grinned. ‘I bet it’s going to turn out one hell of a movie. If they offer me the role, I’ve already made my decision. I’m not going anywhere.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Thea, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.’ He glanced at his phone. ‘That was the real estate agent. I sold my Beverley Hills mansion. I won’t get a cent after I’ve paid off the mortgage, the IRS, and the rent I owed on that apartment in Malibu.’

‘How do you feel?’


‘And your Scottish inheritance?’

‘I’m property rich and cash poor. I can’t afford that house, Thea. But more than that, I don’t want the place.’ He frowned. ‘I’ve just got shot of one property, and now I’ve got to do that all over again.’ He sighed heavily.

‘Have you thought of giving it to the National Trust for Scotland? It’s a huge property, with an interesting family history. I mean, you’re a real-life Scottish laird.’

Callum rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t remind me. Talk about life imitating art.’

Thea smiled when she recalled Jack saying the exact same thing. ‘Just imagine people, families, enjoying the house and the grounds,’ Thea said. ‘It would bring the place to life, finally, instead of just one sad lonely man being there.’

‘Are you talking about me?’

‘No, your father, when he was still alive. Although I kind of was talking about you turning into your father.’

Callum thought of the curse of the MacFaddens, as his mother had called it. He squeezed her hand tightly. ‘With you by my side, there is no fear of me becoming a lonely old man.’

‘Why the frown, then?’

Callum was thinking that like the Beverley Hills mansion, the large Scottish estate was a weight on his shoulders. ‘You’re right.’ He grinned. ‘I’ll do it! I’ll give the place to The National Trust for Scotland.’ He looked at Thea, his smiled fading. ‘Can you ever forgive her?’


Callum frowned. ‘Moira – my mother.’

Thea bit her lip. She knew he’d ask the question one day.

‘Sorry, that was a really dumb question. She took your father away from you.’

‘I know. It’s true, she did. I missed him so very much, Callum.’

Callum slowly nodded his head sadly.
