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Thea shook her head. ‘No, I’m fine. I’ll be dishing up the meal very soon.’

‘Oh, wonderful,’ said Edward. ‘I’m feeling a bit peckish.’

Thea looked at Miles. ‘Why don’t you go and join Gracie and Edward in the lounge. I won’t be long.’

‘Are you sure you don’t need my help? I could carry something out for you.’

‘No, you’ll just get in the way.’ Thea surreptitiously gave him a look that said,Go out there and be sociable, go on!

With his back to Edward and Gracie, he looked at Thea wide-eyed as if to say,Do I have to?

‘Come and join us, Miles,’ said Edward.

‘We won’t bite,’ Gracie said good-humouredly.

As he walked out of the kitchen door, Thea saw Edward put an arm around Miles’s shoulders. ‘Now, you must tell me all about yourself. But first, have we told you what a gifted archivist our young Thea is? We are so lucky to have her at the museum – aren’t we, Gracie?’

Miles looked back at Thea as the door swung shut, the look on his face sayingHelp me!

Thea just grinned. Her smile faded when she thought about Edward’s interest in Miles’s life. Perhaps that was the reason Miles was hiding out in the kitchen. That was what it felt like. She was interested to find out whether Miles did speak to Edward and Gracie about his job, because he didn’t ever say much about it to her. In fact, he didn’t like talking about work at all. Thea was quite the reverse. She could talk about her job non-stop. Perhaps that was because she loved her job working as an archivist at the British Museum Library and Archive. Working in one of the most famous museums and libraries in the world was such a privilege and a dream come true for Thea.

She smiled as she popped on the oven gloves. She opened the oven door and was about to lift out the hotpot when she stopped. She closed the over door, turned down the temperature dial and sat down at the kitchen table. Perhaps Miles would open up about himself, and his job, to Edward and Gracie. She would give the food a few more minutes.

When she finally walked out of the kitchen, wearing the oven gloves and carrying the large hotpot to the extendable table she’d set up in the centre of her living room, she felt like she could almost have cut the atmosphere with a knife. There was no friendly banter or any conversation at the dinner table. They were all sitting in stony silence.

Gracie broke the silence. ‘That smells delicious.’

‘That it does,’ added Edward, picking up a paper napkin and tucking it into the top of his jumper.

Thea caught Gracie and Edward both look at Miles and then exchange a glance. She put the hotpot down on the table and looked crossly at Miles, who was making no effort whatsoever to make even polite conversation.

Chapter 3

Edward left first. In the doorway, he put an arm around Thea’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze. ‘That meal was delicious, Thea. If you don’t mind me saying, it reminded me of the family meals your mum used to cook years ago. She was a good cook too.’

‘You think I’m a good cook?’ Thea looked at him in surprise. Miles had never once complimented her on her cooking.

‘Of course I do.’

‘I wish Frances could have come.’

‘Well, maybe next time.’

Thea had known Edward long enough to catch something in his voice. It suggested that his wife would not be coming next time. Thea wondered why.

He lowered his voice as Thea walked with him to the front door of the house. He stopped, glancing over her shoulder at the door to her flat. His eyes dropped to her. ‘How long have we known each other?’

Thea smiled. ‘Like, forever.’

‘Yes, it feels like that doesn’t it? Well, I don’t want you to take offence when I say this, but ...’

‘What is it?’ Thea searched his face, taking inhis dark brown eyes, craggy features and mop of grey hair.

‘Are you sure he is right for you?’


