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He heaves a long-suffering sigh. “Yeah. Sure. Over it. Fuckin’ bastard.”

“Leech will make a pretty flower girl.”

He nods. “True.”

“This will also make your old lady very, very happy, after all the shit that’s gone down. A little light will do everybody some good.” After all the death and funerals, any slice of happiness is better than none. I’m willin’ to bet even the brothers will like this reprieve. It’s the perfect excuse to get shit-faced.

A round of absentminded nodding ensues as Big digests my words. “Fuck…I know you’re right.”

“I usually am.” That’s why he keeps me around.

Fixing his ponytail, Prez rolls his eyes into the back of his skull. “Asshole.” A smirk ticks up at the corner of his mouth.

“Thanks for bein’ here, brother.”

“Don’t,” he grumbles, hating the kindness.

“Icanthank you.”

Nostrils flaring, Big’s head shakes. “No. Ya can’t. We don’t do that shit. You can get your stubborn ass healed, and I guess…married… I can’t believe…” Again, he shakes his head, this time in disbelief, his eyes focused on the back of my lady’s head and my arm curled around her body. “Anyhow… do your thing. I’ll report back to the brothers you’re whole and let that little one run the show from here on out. Whoever she wants in here can visit. Her word goes.”


He cuts me off at the pass. “Shut the fuck up, Gunz.”

“Yeah. Yeah. See ya around, Prez.” Not wanting to move any more than necessary, I lift my chin in farewell.

Throwing a middle finger over his shoulder, Big exits in spectacular heavy-footed fashion.

Once the door comes to a suctioned close, Kit whispers, “He loves you, too,” and nestles her cheek against my pec like a kitten.

“I know.” And I do. Big might be rough around the edges. Hell, all of us Sacred Sinners are. But he’s genuine. A real brother. Blood. No blood. He’s as real as it gets. Ride or fuckin’ die. Been that way since the moment I punched him in the nose for cockin’ off when we were kids.

Here’s a little back story… ya know… since I’ve got time.

Both of us grew up around the compound. Him far more than me. We didn’t like each other at first. His dad didn’t like mine, and the feeling was mutual with bad blood between ‘em. As it often goes, sons worship fathers when they don’t know any better, and we looked up to ours. Day in and out, we heard the bullshit they spewed about each other. Big was, as you’d picture him—big for his age and mouthy. A brute of a boy. I was how you’d picture me. An average kid. Darker hair, blue eyes, nothin’ special. Not one to be pushed around, but also, not one to start shit.

Big knew that. So, he did what the man still does, and let his temper flare. The issue was about a girl. He liked her. Thought I did too. One thing led to another, and he ended up with a bloodied nose and two black eyes. I don’t even remember landing the punch, only that I laid him out. He shed a few shocked tears, I helped him off the gravel parking lot, dusted off his pants, ’cause I’m a nice guy, and the rest is history. He didn’t retaliate. For whatever reason, it made him respect me, and we’ve been brothers since.

It might not be the most exciting story, but I’m layin’ here with my woman, no longer tired, I figured, what the hell, I’ll share a little of my past with ya. A slice that doesn’t include my mother.

Kit mumbles my name, and I pepper kisses along the top of her head. “Sleep all you need, love,” I reassure.

“’Kay.” She yawns and draws the blanket up to her shoulders.

I kiss her again for good measure and relax. The worst is over. She’s here. I’m here. We’re gettin’ hitched. Life’s good. Better than good. Even with the war looming overhead, ’cause that fucker ain’t about to end anytime soon, I haven’t been this content… ever.

This time it had better last.

At least for a little while longer.

Come hell or high water, I’m gonna make sure it does.



“Erik!” Kit giggles as I lift her fine ass off the kitchen floor and plop her on the countertop. I step between her legs and do what I’ve wanted to do all goddamn day. With my thumb, I shove her cute little heart-printed panties to the side, exposing her smooth pussy, and massage her needy little clit. Grabbing my shoulders for support, she squeaks on impact, eyes shuttering closed as she relishes the attention.
