Page 14 of 23 Hours

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Curiouser, I dig up dirt on Jeremy McLeod and his now ex-wife Melanie. He’s remarried with two kids, living in Utah. Works as an insurance adjuster. Snooze fest. Finding stuff on Mel proves to be more difficult than I expect. Though she did say, she lacked an online presence. It shows. She’s scrubbed herself well from the online world. I’m impressed. Why she didn’t do that for Adam too is bizarre.

Not having anything better to do, I sip scotch and do what any good father would. I wipe my son’s questionable cyber presence clean. The articles about his poor life choices, more specifically, getting caught doin’ them, I skim to fill in the blanks before making it all disappear. Sure, I could do the same for part of his record, but that’d appear more suspicious to the authorities. So, I let that slide and handle the rest for his benefit and his mother's.

When I’m halfway through, a light rap sounds at the door.

“Go home, Niki.”

“It’s not Niki. It’s Melanie.”

Fuck. I know I haven’t left the best impression on Kit by leaving her to fend for herself in a strange clubhouse with Viper. Not the best decision.

When I don’t reply right away, Kit knocks again. I like that she respects boundaries and doesn’t just come inside. Most women aren’t like that from my experience.

“Do you… um… want me to go, too?” she asks timidly through the door.

That’s the last thing I want.

“No. Sorry. Come in.” Finished with my scotch, I pour myself another to get through whatever’s about to go down.

Taking her time, Kit enters and shuts herself inside. You barely hear the closingsnickbefore she turns around to face me. And… what a sight. The light from the small lamp casts a delicate glow over her features and a shadow on the wall behind her. She’s even more beautiful now—if that’s even possible.

Out of politeness, I get up from my chair and offer it to her, since it’s the only one I’ve got. Nobody enters my domain for me to need a second. Not even Big. They know I value personal space and honor that. But I don’t mind her here. It’s kind of nice to share it with somebody else. Maybe I’ll grab a folding chair in the future, for times like this.

Eh. Then again, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.

Hands twisted in front of her, Kit doesn’t move from her spot inside the entrance. “It’s getting late. I think I should get going. Maybe I could leave my number to discuss more tomorrow… if you’re up for that?”

“You’re leaving? Now?” I don’t fuckin’ like that idea.

Kit’s posture stiffens. The tops of her fingers slip into her front pockets. “It’s well past midnight, Gunz. I do need to sleep. It’s been a long and emotional day for me. And I’m sure you still need time to process. I didn’t want to skip out without saying something beforehand.” Her forehead crinkles deep in thought. “I think his name is Viper… he suggested I leave my number with him before I go.”

I’m sure the asshole did. Probably thinks she’s another club whore I’ve got on the side. Pushing that thought from my mind before anger seeps back in, I check the time on my computer screen. “Damn… You’re right, it’s late. Will you stay here? We’ve got room.” It’s the least I can do for the mother of my son. Plus, I don’t want her to go. Maybe she’d never come back and won’t answer my calls. I’m not fond of tracking people down if I don’t have to.

Kit nibbles her bottom lip. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Would it help if I said I believed you?” I gesture to the computer screens, then wave her forth. She takes a tentative step forward, then another until she can get a solid view of the display by half leaning over my desk. “I did some digging and found stuff on Adam. You were right when you said you didn’t have much of an online presence. Can I ask why my son does, if you don’t?”

My son.Christ.

Kit wraps her arms around her middle to keep from touching my things. “Adam didn’t clean it for himself, so I figured he wanted the stuff to stay.”

Dammit. She has a point. If he’s smart enough to do the shit he has, he’s skilled enough to wipe his online imprint if he wanted.

“Is it bad that I did it for him?” I nod to the screen she’s busy reading. When she’s through, her eyes lift to meet mine.

“All of it?” she asks.


Kit grimaces for half a beat before schooling her features, and I feel like a complete dick for overstepping. “If he gets mad, then that’s between you two. Not me. I’m staying out of it. I’ve already meddled enough in his life.”

Thigh pressed against the side of my desk, I sip my scotch. “Does he know who I am?”

“No. I didn’t want to get his hopes up. Not that he’d say he was excited, but I know better.”

Fair enough.

“Do ya think I can meet him soon?”
