Page 142 of 23 Hours

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I don’t like it. I fuckin’ love it.

“Of course, he does,” comes from Jade, watching me watch her handiwork.

A knock sounds at the infirmary door. Through the window, the wild mane of Kai is visible.

“Yeah?” I call out.

“Can I come in?”

“Yes,” Kit replies for me.

Pullin’ the door open, yet not stepping inside, Kai gives me a hardened look I’ve seen a million times before.

“We have a problem,” I say before he gets a chance to.

Massaging the nape of his neck, Kai chooses his next words carefully. “Yeah. We do. Viper and Oz already brought all the women into the clubhouse as a precaution.”

I glance down at Kit and expect her to be overcome with worry. She is female, after all. New to this life. Only, all I see is trust in her eyes. An expression of love and acceptance.

“Go.” She releases my hand, and I’ve never been more grateful to have picked this woman as my partner in this life and the next. Not wanting to leave without a proper kiss, I cup the back of her neck and plant a quick, hot, and heavy one right where it belongs. When I pull back, she’s a beaming soft-eyed vixen. Absolutely gorgeous.

“I love you.” I boop her nose. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Do not leave the clubhouse. Any of you. Yeah?”

“Yeah... and I love you too,” Kit replies, more than willing to follow my orders without a fight.

I picked a damn good one.

Knowin’ if I don’t take care of business now, they’ll have to tear me away by my teeth, I shut the door in my wake and stop in the hall to get briefed by Kai on what’s doin’.

“We have a breach,” he explains.

On a nod, I reply, “I assumed as much.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“It probably is.” You don’t have a wedding with a fuckton of Sacred Sinners in attendance when you’re at war if you don’t expect shit to pop off. Big and I knew what could happen. That’s why the new security system got installed. That’s why I called our brother’s down at the Texas chapter and requested they send Kade and Rosie to stake things out during our wedding as a precaution. We’re not stupid. We knew the risks. Sure, I wasn’t about to disclose any of that to Kit, or she’d had wanted to postpone our nuptials or elope. I wasn’t gonna let that happen.

We’re as prepared as we’ve ever been.

“Weapons?” I prompt Kai on the way out of the rear clubhouse door, into the middle of my wedding reception, or what’s left of it. Chairs have been shoved to the side. The aisle is gone. Flowers scattered across the grass. The fire’s still roaring and tinkly lights the women strung illuminate the backyard. Brothers have gathered in a circle. Around what? That’s the question.

They part down the middle to let me and Kai through.

In the center, kneeling in the grass, bawling his prissy-bitch eyes out, is a naked Malcolm—our longtime prospect. The one we took in out of respect after Bink was kidnapped by her mother, and he helped get her out. The southern motherfucker who rocks a cowboy hat. The man Big despises and refuses to patch in as a brother.

Behind him, pressing the tip of a gun to the back of the asshole’s skull is our prez, far calmer than I expect him to be in situations like this. Grinding his jaw, Big pulls a flip phone from his front pocket and tosses it to me. I catch it midair and scan through the messages giving details to an unknown number about our compound, the people who live here, and the security systems.


He’s the reason we were infiltrated months ago.

A rat.

A nasty piece of shit rat under our very noses.


I come across an address.
