Page 22 of 23 Hours

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He returns one in kind.

Undeterred, I continue where I left off. “As I was sayin’, Kit’s here, and she’s gonna stay here ‘til I say otherwise. You’re gonna show her respect and be nice. No tryin’ to fuck her. No tryin’ to get her on the back of your bikes. I know we’re on lockdown and at war. This ain’t the most convenient time to deal with this shit, but I got a son, and he’s gotta be a priority, too.”

Big stands, using the table to get up, and pounds the top of my shoulder with his giant fist. “Congrats, brother. You do what you gotta do. We’re gonna support whatever you decide. Ain’t that right?” His intense stare sweeps the small room, his intent loud and clear.You gotta problem with it, fuck the hell off.

Blimp also stands from his chair with an old-man groan. “That’s right. We got you, brother.” His elbow nudges mine.

“Congrats on the kid,” Brew, one of Bink’s brothers, says.

“Whatever you need, I’m here.” Kai thumps his heart twice, then points to me, effectively gettin’ himself on the low end of my shit list.

Scratching the base of his neck, Viper wades around Big to slap me on the back of my cut. “Sorry. They’re right. Whatever ya need. You know I’m there.”

I know he is.

All’s forgiven. No hard feelings. Next topic.

Prez does what he does best and jumps back into club business. Kit and Adam are quickly forgotten as we discuss the up-and-coming run, the lockdown, who’s on patrol, how we’re gonna run our auto shop while on lockdown, and the line of repairs needed on the compound. Blood lust stinks up the room ’cause everyone’s eager to take the first run, but we can’t spare the protection here. Six guys. That’s the deal. One I agree with. We can’t let the mother chapter go undefended. Too much is at stake.

“Gunz, you want in on this one?” Kai’s got his pad of paper out to take notes.

Going wasn’t on my agenda, but I’m not opposed to a run. Probably best I go, considering Kai’s too green, and Big’s got Bink and his daughter to think of. “If you want. Sure.”

Kai scribbles on his pad. “With your tech knowledge and other skills, I’d like to put ya down.”

Fine by me.

“If this ain’t gonna interfere with your son,” Big adds, leaning back in his chair, the eerie picture of calm. I can’t imagine the emotional shit he put Bink through last night. Seems whatever her magic touch does, worked. Thank fuck.

“He’s got another month in the slammer. What we thinkin’, two weeks, a month?”

“Somewhere ‘round that,” Kai replies.

“And Viper’s stayin’ back to help with Janie and the kid.” My eyes sweep to the man who nods the affirmative.

“I’ll take care of them,” he vows, and I trust him to do just that. It shouldn’t be Bink’s job to care for all the women on the compound when their men are gone. I’m happy he’s gonna step up.

“He’ll be on the next run,” Kai adds. “I’ve got Blimp, White Boy, Mickey, Gypsy, and Runner this time ‘round.”

My nose crinkles in distaste at the latter name mentioned. “If that shithead can keep his mouth to himself, then I’ll go.” I point directly at Runner, not givin’ a damn if he don’t like it.

He rubs the side of his face with a middle finger. “Don’t worry, Gunz, I don’t wanna blow ya.” Gee…subtle and charming, and he wonders why he’s gotta beg whores for action. Nobody wants to ride a whiny, oversensitive bitch, when they could fuck a real man. Not a wannabe in leather.

Shaking my head, I don’t give him the satisfaction of a real response. “Not what I was referring to.”

“Alright, fellas.” Big claps his hands. “I think that concludes today’s business.” Prez picks up the gavel and slams it on the table to end church and the brothers filter out, besides the six leaving in three days, Kai, and him.

Those standing take chairs, and we dive in for a solid hour, goin’ over every inch of the run. By the time I’m through, it’s past lunchtime and I start to feel guilty for leaving Kit at my house that long with people she doesn’t know. As for Niki, I haven’t had time to address her poor behavior either. If all that wasn’t stressful enough, I’ve gotta pack for a month-long trip and break the news I’m leaving to Janie, Bink, Beth, Niki, and Kit.

Fuck. That’s a lot of women to come clean to.

Pray for me. I mean it. Hell hath no fury like a biker chick worried about her men. The claws are bound to come out.



Kicking off my shitkickers when I walk in the front door, I hang my cut on the hook behind it for safekeeping. In the living room, I nod hello to my resident teen, who’s too engrossed in the television to speak. Leaning over, careful not to ruin her view, I peck Dom’s forehead. He’s fast asleep, sprawled across his mama, sucking his thumb. Then I seek the one person I’m dying to lay eyes on before I take a siesta. After church and finding Niki gone, I’m ready to wind down. This no sleep is startin’ to catch up.
