Page 3 of 23 Hours

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Fatty growls low in his throat, not liking my response.

Seems this dipshit doesn’t know who I am. He must’ve expected Big to come barreling down here and fuck him up. Guess it’s a good thing I’m a patient man. Always have been.

Tossing the stick on the floor, I pull another Dum Dum from my pocket, remove the waxy wrapper, ball it between my fingertips, and toss it at the man’s feet, hitting a yellow toenail.

His nostrils flare, and his lips thin into an unpleasant line. Somewhere under that fat, his jaw might be set. Who knows?

’Cause I’m a dick, I smile at him, then wink, savoring the delicious mouthful of peach. It’s that or light a cigarette, and I haven’t smoked in God knows how long. Twenty years? Twenty-five? Shit, I can’t remember the last time. The urge still lingers. That’s what ya get when your mother got you and your brother hooked on nicotine even before you were a teenager—another long story.

Biding time, I check my phone for any messages I might’ve missed. He’ll crack eventually.

Niki: Where the fuck are you?

Head shaking in amusement, I chuckle to myself, hearing her voice inside my head jump a dozen octaves. Niki can be demanding when she doesn’t get her way. I think I spoil her too much. Can’t help it. I’ve got a soft spot for her. She gives me sex the way I want it, whenever I want it, without the added complication of a relationship. ’Cause I don’t do romantic entanglements. Haven’t in my fifty-plus years on this earth. Won’t do it in death, either.

I skim through the list of unanswered messages from her.

Niki at 7:25 p.m.- Gunz!

7:29 p.m.- I need your big, beautiful cock, baby. Please don’t make me wait much longer.

I snicker.

8:03 p.m.- Gunz, I’m so horny.

8:14 p.m.- How much longer?

8:33 p.m.- It’s been two hours. This isn’t funny.

8:40 p.m.- My wrists are starting to hurt.

8:45 p.m.- God, I hate you!

8:49 p.m.- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. Please come back soon. I’ll suck your piercing as long as you want. Please!

9:05 p.m.- Goddammit!

9:12 p.m.-Asdfhasdfasdfasdfojasdfladfh!!!!!

Unable to help myself, I laugh out loud, not caring where I am. This woman ain’t happy with me. Too bad my dick loves that way too much. He’s perkin’ right up at the thought of her red-faced, texting with one hand as she squirms to get loose. I’ve got issues.

9:14 p.m.- In case you couldn’t understand that. It says I hate you.

Yeah. Gathered that.

9:35 p.m.- Please. If you care for me at all, send someone to take care of my pussy. It’s been three hours. I can’t take another. It’s too much.

Knowing I gotta answer now, rather than later, ’cause it’s been a few hours, my thumbs get busy.

Me: You’re fine. I’ll be there whenever I choose to be. You’ll wait because I said you’ll wait.

Niki’s gonna hate that, but she knows how I roll.

Niki: Oh. Thank. God. You finally replied! What if I don’t want to wait, baby?

Me: You already know the answer to that.

Niki: Refresh my memory.
