Page 42 of 23 Hours

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Beth doesn’t fill the silence with a needless reply when she stands and heads straight to the kitchen. Breaking away from their men, the sisters join her beyond the swinging door. I smile privately to myself as I watch Pixie, Axel’s old lady, carry an empty food tray in with her like that’s gonna make her departure appear any less conspicuous.

Bulk, a fellow baldheaded brother of mine, drops his heavy ass into the spot Beth vacated. “Do they think we don’t know what they’re doin’ in there?” Chucklin’ to himself, he bumps shoulders with mine. “Damn women.”

“I’m guessin’ you know what this’s about.”

“I have the loudest old lady in the club. Yeah, I know. She’s been rantin’ about the kid shit all fuckin’ day.”

“She tell you they were gonna use Beth as bait?” I ask.

Bulk’s foot bounces. “Not exactly, but Axel, Trip, Dallas, and I compared notes and shit before we got here.”

“You sayin’ you’re a bunch of gossipy bitches, too?”

“Nope. Not at all. I’m sayin’ we knew they were gonna start their gang mentality shit, and we wanted to be in front of it when it happened. In case they pissed ya off. We don’t have time for games. But they can’t keep their noses outta shit that don’t concern ‘em.”

He’s right. They can’t.

“The brothers got an issue with me havin’ a kid and Kit comin’ ‘round?” I test.

The big man heaves a sigh. “’Sides Viper’s outburst in church and Runner always runnin’ his punk-ass mouth, nope. We got your back and theirs too, without question.”

Good. Glad that’s settled.

Perching himself on the couch arm, Axel offers me a bottle of Bud. I accept it with a nod of respect, then sip the cold brew. The cold liquid feels mighty nice as it slides down my throat. Even better when I take a whiff of Leech’s hair at the same time. Unconditional, no-bullshit love, and beer, it doesn’t get much better than this. ’Cept maybe a beautiful woman sittin’ beside me. In my head, I picture Kit takin’ her own pull of Bud where Bulk’s giant ass is. Gotta say, he’s not as pretty as her. Don’t smell as nice either.

When I open my mouth to tell him as much, Bink exits the kitchen, a bag of food in hand, headed straight for us. Knowin’ what’s good for ‘em, my brothers scram to claim their old ladies who have rejoined the party.

Blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, one hand on her hip, Bink sets the bag on the empty seat beside me and eyes her sleeping girl. I’m not breaking the ice first. I’ll let her do that. If she’s got somethin’ to say, she’s gonna be the one to say it.

Swayin’ back and forth, she nudges my toe with her own, that beautiful face etched in equal parts concern and nerves. Most wouldn’t be able to read Bink’s emotions, but I’ve known and cared for her since birth. I know everything about this woman. Love everything about her, even the bossy, nosy, stubborn parts that irritate the hell outta me sometimes.

When she continues lookin’ at me and Leech, her toe nudges mine again. I arch a brow. She knows what I’m askin’ without me havin’ to speak.

“I…” Bink’s sentence falters, and she swallows thickly.

It’s not like her to tread lightly. Neither is the lip chewing in my presence. By the way she’s actin’, she must think I’m pissed. Maybe that’s what Beth told her.

Alright. I gotta nip this in the bud.

Knowin’ exactly what my girl needs, I pat my thigh. It does the trick and Bink climbs straight onto my lap. Jostling her around a bit, I drape both of her legs over my other, her ass on my thigh, and tuck her head against my free shoulder. The woman practically melts into me, a sigh imparting her lips.

Unable to help herself, she strokes up and down Leech’s back with soft touches as I wrap arms around them both. A kiss presses to the underside of my jaw. “I wanna get to know them both,” she whispers so only I can hear.

Thank fuck.

I squeeze her a lil tighter in gratitude, my heart growin’ six sizes. “Me, too, Baby Doll.”

And just like that, all is right in my world.

It’s funny how quickly pieces align when those who matter most give you something you didn’t know you needed.

Bink in my arms beside her daughter is heaven. Her wanting to know my son and his mother, without puttin’ up a fight, even better.

Tomorrow, the club comes first. Tonight, it’s family, my family. Even if Adam and Kit can’t be here, I’ll carry them in spirit, in the cradle of my arms where Bink and Leech rest.


