Page 60 of 23 Hours

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You heard ‘em… Dead fucks at dusk.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna puke in the comfort of our grimy shithole bathroom.



Brick and steel stretch as far as the eyes can see. It all rests in the middle of a well-lit, black-topped lot, surrounded by dense tree cover on all sides. A single road leads in and out, a lane in each direction. Trucks, vans, and buses are parked everywhere—new, old, creepy white pedo types, expensive sleek beauties, and everything in between. This is the place. Their East Coast headquarters. We’ve hit the motherload. Big had better hope he sent enough reinforcements because we’re not going in tactile and quiet like we usually do. This is brute force infiltration. There are far too many of us to stay under the radar.

Blimp parks our bulletproof SUV next to another one similar in size and style. A line of us roll in single file, each riding in our version of an armored truck. Hell, some of us are in actual armored trucks. Nobody’s fuckin’ around. We’ve got a med van standing by a few miles out as my brother, Bonez, has a fleet of vans waiting for whomever we free. This is the biggest operation I’ve been a part of… ever.

An incoming text vibrates on my lap.

Prez: Be smart. Stay safe. Bring them home.

Popping a Dum Dum into my maw, I snicker around the stick, shaking my head in amusement. “Prez says for us to be smart and stay safe,” I announce to the brothers riding with me.

Blimp chuckles, stroking his beard, on board with Big’s sentiment.

“Says the giant fucker who stayed home,” Kade singsongs from his bucket seat in the back as he double-checks his arsenal of pointy weapons.

“Yeah… annnd Bear or Ghost aren’t here either,” I tease. Big might be our national prez, but Bear and Ghost, Kade’s chapter prez and VP, are also sitting this one out. I’d say it was their advanced age, but who the fuck am I to talk. I’m closing in on sixty, year after year. So is Blimp. Maybe they’re the smart ones. ’Cause any brother riding with us today is out for blood. Trust me, nobody becomes a Sacred Sinner because they’re normal. We don’t do normal.

Deciding not to reply to Prez, not that he expects me to, I wait for the rest of our brigade to surround the warehouse on all sides—sixteen armed to the nine’s vehicles and their inhabitants. Lace, a clinically insane brother from Texas, waves at us, having the time of his life, hanging halfway out of a rolled-down window as they pass.

“He’s gonna have funnn.” Kade two-finger salutes in return to his fellow chapter brother.

I smirk over my shoulder. “So are you.”

White Boy clucks his tongue. “It’s quiet. Too quiet,” he observes from the rear bench seat.

“That’s how all the places have been. The calm before the storm.”

“Nobody’s mannin’ the guard shack. Nobody’s out on patrol,” he whispers more to himself than us.

“We expected this. Remember? All these vans and trucks aren’t parked like this just ’cause it tickled their fuckin’ fancy.” It’s strategic. Some of ‘em are likely loaded down with explosives. Some might even have men inside, ready to engage when given word. With Remy’s reach and how important this location is to his operations, I’m sure one of his minions caught wind of our not-so-subtle plans. The hotel and other raids haven’t gone unnoticed. He knows what we’re hunting. If he’s smart, he’s kept our women alive as a bargaining chip. Only time will tell.

Once our final pickup has taken its spot, all headlights shine like hot bacon grease on the side of the warehouse—the taunt of a biker. The promise of death. A welcome to Hell—Sacred Sinner style.

Setting wheels in motion, Blimp flashes our headlights twice, and everyone in our SUV places a tiny earpiece where it belongs. To make sure they function as needed, I test mine. “Coal, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear, Gunz,” he replies from somewhere in the parking lot. Coal and his crew rode in all the way from the West Coast for this.

One thing down, about a dozen more to go. Closing my eyes, I inhale the deepest, calming breath. This is what we’ve been waitin’ for. We’re here to save my woman, my family, and my friends. Today, we will reunite together. Death is part of life. The lives I may take are necessary. On a long exhale, a bone-deep Zen I’ve been missing for weeks enters me. For the first time in forever, I feel more like myself—ready, steady, and in goddamn control.

Palms flat on my knees, I reopen my eyes and look at Blimp. “It’s time.”

He nods.

One by one, I unleash war on the scum we’ve come to terminate. Brothers exit their vehicles in time with my instructions. Many scout the surrounding buses and vans while others set up shop in their posts, protected by tree cover. Gunfire bellows into the night sky as we quickly locate and eliminate our enemies from their hiding spots. No mercy is given, nor is it sought.

In teams of three, our Corrupt Chaos brethren break through every exterior door to gain us safe passage inside.

“Is it time yet?” Kade vibrates in excitement.

“Almost. We’re the second wave.”

This afternoon, I spent hours on FaceTime with Sniper, the Corrupt Chaos president I’ve mentioned to you before, to flesh out their involvement in today’s war. I couldn’t have done this without him, or any of the key players in today’s raid.
