Page 62 of 23 Hours

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“Keep them alive,” the other explains, less emotional than her counterpart. If I had to guess, she’s the leader here. Her voice is far too steady to be anything else.

“They’re pregnant,” I observe aloud for no reason other than to cement this is real life in real time.


Positioned on their side, each victim is exposed from the waist up. Each wears a cannula for oxygen, an array of wires, and IVs. I can see their tits, their distended bellies, the stretch marks, the bluish tint to their skin. Nothing more than a thin, white sheet covers their bottom half in a room chilly enough to raise goosebumps to flesh.

“Yes,” the composed one confirms.

“They’re sedated.” A statement, not a question. Bags filled with piss hang down the side of their beds as their eyes remain eerily shut. It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going down here.

“Yes,” the same woman confirms with cold detachment.

Unable to stop the questions from forming, I ask what I need to know… things that mean fuckall right now. ’Cause what is, is. Still, my brain needs to digest the ugly facts. “How long do you keep ‘em like this?” I watch the rise and fall of chests as their bellies move with life.

“We get them close to delivery.”


I pinch the bridge of my nose and breathe before the Zen I’ve acquired goespoof.

“And then what?” I force through gritted teeth, jaw aching.

“He doesn’t like used goods.” More of that matter-of-fact monotone crap from the short-haired brunette.

Behind me, Kade curses and takes a walk to get some space. Can’t say I blame the man.

The squelching of entrails resumes noisier than before from the hallway.

“You’re gonna have to elaborate.” I gesture for the woman to keep talkin’, even though she can’t see me.

“We perform c-sections, and he sells them.”

Sells. Yeah, you heard her as clear as day. He sells babies.

Babies like Dom.

Babies like Leech.

I stow my gun and shove both hands into my front pockets before I punch something. “What about the mothers?” emanates more as a growl, than words.

“They are—” The redhead hiccups on a sob, her body shaking with emotion.

“They’re, what? Say it!”

“W-we cre-cremate them,” she finishes.

“It’s quick. They don’t feel any pain,” the cold-hearted bitch tacks on as if that justifies anything.

I should throw her in with them, still conscious and breathing, as flames scorch her flesh and heat turns her insides to dust.

“And that’s okay?” I seethe.

“We don’t have a choice,” the bitch defends.


“Everyone has a choice.”
