Page 17 of Liberation

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“I’ll just ride with you since I don’t have a car here.”

“You don’t have a car?” he asks as I hear the lock click open.

“I do, but I only drive it when I need to go somewhere the bus doesn’t.”

“The bus?” Jace wrinkles his nose as he turns the ignition over. “Why would you ever pick the bus over your own ride?”

“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it. It runs every fifteen minutes, goes everywhere I do, and it’s free. Left here.” I point in the direction we need to go as Jace pulls out of the lot.

“I can’t imagine not having the freedom to go wherever I want, whenever I want.”

“That’s because you live and work on wheels. Move here, I bet I’ll convert you in three months’ time.”

He shakes his head despite the hint of a smile on his face. “Good luck with that.”

As we make the ten-minute drive from the mountain to my house, I point out different landmarks, like the first house built in town, the gas station that just happens to have some of the best breakfast sandwiches, and the bus stop closest to my house—so he knows how to get around without his truck. Then I guide him to the driveway of the little bungalow I call home.

“It’s not much, but I don’t have to worry about it rolling away if I forget to put the parking brake on.” I give him a playful wink as I climb out of the cab.

“Don’t knock the trailer ‘til you’ve tried it.” He snorts as he pulls a duffel bag from the back. “There’s nothing quite like sleeping next to the best outdoor playgrounds on the planet.”

“Why do you think I’ve never left this place?” I sweep my arm out as I spin around, gesturing to the towering peaks around us.

“Show off,” he mumbles as he follows me to the door, it sounds like he’s fighting a laugh as he says it. “So, I guess if you’re still at the spa, the bike thing didn’t pan out?” Jace sets his bag in the foyer.

“Actually, no. This is my last week at the spa. I’m starting at the resort full-time on Monday.”

“That’s great,” he says as he takes in his surroundings, which don’t amount to much. A small entry nook, a great room, a kitchen to our left and a hallway with bedrooms to our right. “What are the plans for the park.”

I gesture for him to follow me and head to the kitchen. “That’ll be up to my new boss.” I pull two beers from the fridge and hand him one. “I’ve never built a bike park and it’s too big of a project for me to run given my lack of experience, so they’re bringing in someone that’s done it before.”

“So, what’s your role, then?” He cracks open the can and takes a sip.

I wipe a dab of foam from my lip. “Project Manager. Or something to that effect. I’m supposed to coordinate with the suppliers, since I know them all, to help the new guy get whatever he needs.”

“Sounds like a good gig.”

“I hope so.”

“You don’t sound so sure.” Jace’s head tilts to the side as he studies me. I didn’t even realize my voice shifted, and I don’t know if it’s good or bad that he picked up on it.

“I am sure, at least for now. I don’t know if it’ll be a full-time thing once it’s built, and I’d really like it to be. But I’m probably getting ahead of myself.”

Jace rests his forearms on the counter, the fingers of his right hand toying with the tab on the can. “I might be getting ahead of myself too… But if this thing with Axel pans out, maybe he’ll need people with biking experience. You could work there when you aren’t at the resort.”

“My experience isn’t on bikes with motors.” I toss him a wry grin. “And besides, I’d hardly need a backup job during the summer when I actually have a job.”

“Yeah, I guess it’s not an exact fit. Told you I was probably thinking too much.” He lifts his shoulders in a little half shrug as his cheeks flush with color.God, he’s cute.“I just hate the idea of you not working with bikes full-time since you love it so much.”

“I’m sure it’ll all work out somehow.”

“Eventually, yeah,” he agrees, casting me a curious look when I choke back an awkward laugh.

“We’re already making a mess of the figuring stuff out as we go thing, huh? I mean, you trying to hook me up with a job I may not need isn’t exactly taking shit one day at a time.”

He fights a smile as my words register. “New job opportunities, new…rooming arrangements. Maybe I’m trying too hard at this seeing someone thing.” He resumes fiddling with his beer can.

“Does that mean you’re having second thoughts about staying in town?”
