Page 22 of Liberation

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“Yes, Blake. He’s a lifelong resident so he’s well networked within the community. He’s pulled together a team with decades of experience in trail management from the local parks and recreation department. They’re all eager to get started. Just tell Blake what you need, and he’ll take care of it.” Carter lifts his eyes over my shoulder. “Here he is now.”

Spinning in the direction of Carter’s gaze, I turn to find the guy I picked up in the bar a few weeks back striding toward me, and a mixture of panic and excitement takes over my body. The rhythm of my heart turns erratic, my palms grow sweaty and it feels like someone has vacuumed the air from my lungs all at once. I’m not capable of doing anything beyond staying frozen in place.Blake… Here?Memories of our night bombard me, heating my cheeks, and I say a silent ‘thank you’ that my new boss is standing behind me so he can’t see the way my eyes bug out.

There have only been two lovers I’ve fantasized about long after our time together, and the man closing in on me is one of them. Strong yet gentle, frenzied yet savoring… Blake made me feel desired and treasured, which is why I’ve replayed that night in my mind over and over again. Now, the object of those dreams is walking toward me? What are the odds? More importantly, are there rules about sleeping with your subordinate, or can that be overlooked since he wasn’t technically working for me then? How do I explain this to Carter? Am I obligated to?

I start to tuck my hair behind my ear just to do something with my hands, only to remember it’s tied back in a ponytail. It falls awkwardly to my side as I wait for the inevitable.

When he’s about ten paces away, Blake’s step falters slightly, realization sinking in, though his face remains expressionless. Still gorgeous, just blank.That’s some trick, I need to learn that.

He offers me a hand as he closes the distance between us.Ooh-does that mean we’re going with strangers then?"Blake," he says, formally clasping my hand as if he isn’t already intimately familiar with it. And other…places.Strangers it is.

“Becca.” It's a lost cause. One would think that having scratched the itch, per se would help keep the sparks floating between us at bay. One would be wrong. They're just as strong and unruly as they were when he caught me staring at him from across the bar. The second his hand closes around mine a current of electricity shoots up my arm, down to my stomach and into thedangerzone.

“So, you’re the one who helped Jackson build that bike park in Utah? I’m sorry I missed you when I was there.”

I pull my hand back, so I have a chance at speaking coherently. “That’s me.”Use more words, Becca.

“Impressive.” He nods methodically. “I got a chance to ride it briefly, and I can’t tell you how excited I am about bringing something like that here.”

“I’ll leave you two to go over the plans and map out a schedule.” Carter claps Blake on the back and gives me an encouraging nod before retreating to the administrative office. When he’s out of sight, I turn a wary gaze to the man whose mere presence is making my heart race.

“So.” I clap my hands together and rock back on my heels. “Fancy seeing you here.”Those are the best words you could find? You need help.

Blake laughs, his hazel eyes showing a trace of mischief, which instantly relieves the pressure in my lungs. “Bec, I assume? What are the odds, huh?”

“Yeah, only Jackson really calls me that. And I literally just asked myself that same question.” I exhale heavily, feeling a thousand percent less self-conscious. “So, is this cool? It’s probably not too late for me to turn down the offer if this is too weird.”

He rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs. “I think it kind of is. Besides, I’m assuming this is a pretty good opportunity for you, and I wouldn’t want you to miss it on my account.”

I wring my hands together just to give them something to do. “I doreallywant this job.”

“And I want to bring a world class bike park to Katah Vista. Seems like a win, win. Right, boss?” Blake gives me a playful wink, and I say a silent prayer, hoping my face isn’t on fire from the wandering direction of my thoughts.I need to check on the fraternization rules.

“It does.” I smile so big my cheeks might crack, but I can’t help it. My dream job and dream guy in one place? That’s gotta be a sign or something. How did I get this lucky?

“Come on.” He jerks his head toward a row of shops adjacent to the administrative building. “Let’s grab a coffee and get started.”

Coffees in hand, we pick a corner booth and I spread out some of the drawings I made to show Blake my ideas. Filling him in on the plan to build the park in stages, I point to a section on the rendering. “Do you think if we’re merely cutting trail instead of building features we can crank these runs out before the season’s over?”

“Are you hoping to make them ridable this summer?” His eyebrows disappear behind the hair hanging over his forehead as those blue eyes glint with excitement.

“Not for the general public, but we’ll make sure everyone who helps build it gets a few runs in.”

“A perk for a job well done?” A sly smile spreads across his lips.

“We can call it that.” His boyish enthusiasm is catching. “Although, it’s also a way for us to get feedback so we go into next summer knowing if we need to make any changes.”

“Sounds like a plan. When do we start?”

“I still need to walk the terrain and verify that the routes I have mapped out will work, so… next week?” I bite my lip, wondering how feasible that schedule will be.

“Great. I’ll line up the crew,” he says without any hesitation, lifting another weight off my shoulders in the process. Unfortunately, the weight regarding oursituationis still there, and aside from joking about the odds earlier he doesn’t seem like he’s going to address it.I had to make the move the first time, guess I’ll have to do it again.

“So, what are you up to this evening?” I swirl my coffee cup in my hand to keep it busy.

“Uh.” He looks everywhere but at me. “I’ll uh, probably grab a bite then head home.”

“Can I tag along?”
