Page 3 of Liberation

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“But you’re not alone.” I let that little challenge linger.

“Not anymore.” Blake licks his lip again, and I swear I almost groan out loud.

I haven’t been with a man in over a year, and while there have been plenty of women during that time, I’ve missed the weight of a male body against mine. The hard planes of a man’s chest, stomach, and hips. The hint of scruff on his face at the end of the day. The big, strong hands sliding over my skin. My desire to experience those things has been present ever since I sat down, and while we’ve shared some great conversation, my body is growing impatient with all the talk.

Swallowing the last of my burger, I wipe my mouth and toss my napkin on the empty plate. “I think we should get out of here. Any chance I can convince you to come back to my room?

“I was sorta hoping you’d ask.”

We each drop a few bills on the counter and head for the door.

Chapter 3


Ibrushmypalmsover my shorts, trying to rid them of the sweat gathering there. Jace’s presence has me all sorts of anxious, like a friggin’ horny teenager, and I kind of like it.

Confident without being cocky, the face of a young adult with the knowledge of a man, a shared love of things with two wheels—I can’t pinpoint one specific thing that draws me to him. I just know I feel more alive in his presence.

My heart thrums erratically as our shoulders brush together, and I know if I stretch my hand out just slightly, I’d be able to reach his. I’m tempted, if only so I can feel the same jolt I did when we shook hands earlier. But that’s a couple thing and we aren’t one, no matter how familiar he already feels.

Destiny, fate, meant-to-be… When it comes to my love life, I’ve always assumed it'll unfold however it's supposed to. And since I was hopelessly drawn to Jace the first time I laid eyes on him, something I’d never experienced before, I wondered if maybe that was a sign. Then he left town abruptly, and I figured I was getting ahead of myself. That didn’t stop me from fantasizing about him, though. So, finding him here, now, seems pretty significant. Especially since we’ve run into each other outside Katah Vista.

There are many things I love about my tiny hometown, but the dating scene isn’t one of them, especially if you’re bi and still in the closet. First off, there aren’t an abundance of single people there year-round, let alone people with tastes like mine. Second, while I love small town life and the way everyone has each other’s backs, I don’t love the lack of privacy that comes with it. When people date or hook up it's big news, not because people are gossipy but because there’s not much else to talk about in small towns.

Since my lifestyle is so different from what’s considered “normal” it would definitely get tongues wagging, and I just haven’t wanted to deal with that. Not that I think my interests would make me a pariah, but they might draw more attention than I want or need. So, I keep my preferences, and my affairs, to myself. Tourists are a great solution, letting me satisfy some basic needs without exposing my secrets. However, getting away from Katah Vista gives me the freedom to indulge in all sides of my personality. To find Jace here, where I don’t have barriers, that’s about as close to my definition of a miracle as you can get.

We reach the hotel—we’re both staying in the same one, just two floors apart—and I follow Jace to his room. Pulling the key card from his back pocket, he swipes it over the sensor and steps inside, holding the door open just long enough for me to clear the threshold. As it swings shut, he presses me up against it, caging me between his arms.

My breath gets stuck in my lungs as I study his face, just inches from mine. Being roughly the same height, I can observe the thick brows resting over eyes that, up close, are more brown than black. His full lips are parted, and the dim light of the room reflects off the angles of his face. Despite being leaner that I am, Jace radiates strength, which seems barely contained as our chests brush against one another amid our heavy breathing. I reach up to touch his face, my calloused fingertips meeting the softest skin I’ve ever felt on a man. It’s so smooth I doubt he’s able to grow a full beard, which excites me more than I expected.

Jace closes his eyes, seeming to savor the feel of my touch, and my heart throbs deep inside my chest. Then without warning those dark eyes snap open and he presses his mouth to mine.

I barely have time to register how soft his lips are before his tongue slides inside, and a strangled groan rumbles from his throat.Holy shit, that’s hot.I meet him head on, each of us fighting for dominance as lips and teeth and tongues clash.

Long, dexterous fingers slide through my hair, gripping the strands in a fist and giving a firm tug, tilting my head where he wants it. A tiny spark of pain mixed with pleasure shoots from the top of my head to my balls, and my cock starts to swell in my shorts. I reach around Jace’s waist and pull him flush against my body, pressing our stiff cocks against one another. This time it’s me who growls.

Hands tug at my shirt, lifting it up my chest, and before I realize it, mine are mimicking his. We break the kiss long enough to pull the fabric over our heads before crashing together again, a little less frenzied but no less intense.

Gripping Jace’s ass, I hold him against me so our cocks get a little friction as we kiss each other senseless. Despite being eager to feel him instead of the fabric between us, I’m in no rush to end this kiss. I don’t even remember the last time my lips touched someone else’s, man or women, because let’s face it, a hurried fuck at the end of a massage doesn’t require it. The point is to get off, not make a connection, so I generally skip over this part. And I never really missed it, until now.

Jace’s lips are unbelievably soft, even though nothing about his kiss is gentle. And the way he’s panting, as if he needs air but is willing to sacrifice it to keep his mouth pressed to mine… Hot. As. Fuck.

Hands roam over my chest and down to my abs as he devours my mouth, making me dizzy with lust. My skin feels electric wherever he makes contact, and I swear if the wall wasn’t holding me up my knees would buckle.

Fingertips trace the waistband of my shorts, sending a shiver up my back. When I feel them working the button open, I do the same, and seconds later our hard shafts are free, rubbing together.

Tingles shoot the length of my dick as the tip of his drags over me. I reach between us, trapping both our cocks in my fist, and give a firm squeeze as I tug. Jace pulls his mouth from mine and drops his head to my shoulder. “Fuuucccckkk,” he groans as I work us both. “I almost forgot how good it feels to have another cock rubbing against mine while I’m getting jerked off.”

“I almost forgot how good it feels to hold another man’s cock in my hand.”

“I’m not going to last long if you keep doing this.”

“Tell me you’re prepared.” I pump my hips gently, increasing the friction between us. “I didn’t pack anything but condoms.”

Jace lifts his head off my shoulder to look at me with a mischievous grin. “You didn’t expect to get laid on your trip?”

“Not by a man in Utah.”
