Page 32 of Liberation

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“You kiss me over your shoulder as I drive into you,” I continue, fighting to ignore the way he contracts around me as I put my fantasy to words, “which makes you pump into her. Then you kiss her as you bottom out, and I withdraw to start all over again. Kissing and thrusting and groping, hands and tongues covering all the skin they can find.” My grip is firm on his dick now, my strokes faster, although I’m still not jerking him without abandon. Not yet. Once I do, it will only be seconds until this is over, and I’m not ready to let that happen.

Blake grinds down hard, his ass clenching around my dick as he strains to feel it rubbing against his prostate. The pressure nearly undoes me, and I take a shaky breath as I force down the desire to let go.

Cupping his balls with my free hand, I tug his cock as I pump deeply into him, trying to hit all his pleasure points at once. The cry that bursts from his throat is damn near inhuman, and I’m helpless to ignore it the way that makes my groin tingle. Despite my best intentions, that sound robs me of all restraint, and before I know it I’m jutting my hips up as I jerk my hand over his length as fast as my muscles will allow.

The tip of my dick slams against his prostate over and over again, sending a current of electricity from the head of my cock all the way down to my balls. My thighs quiver and my ass goes numb under the strain of my efforts to drive deeper, but the discomfort barely registers as I chase the release building in my nuts.

“Can you feel it? Can you feel how good the three of us would be together?” I pant, speeding us toward the finish. Seconds later, Blake’s whole body tenses, his ass convulsing around my length as his twitches in my hand. Warm liquid spills over my knuckles as his tremors tip me over the edge, and I growl in satisfaction as my cock pulses inside him. His jaw hangs open, though no sound escapes, as if even his voice is too paralyzed with pleasure to function. That’s new, but it makes my chest swell with pride.

As Blake’s tremors subside, I take my hands off his junk and wrap them around his waist, pinning him to me while our breathing returns to normal. In this moment, holding him close, it’s hard to justify thinking about anyone else. And yet, knowing how well I fit with Becca, and how well she fits with Blake, it seems ludicrous to think the three of us wouldn’t be the perfect complement to each other. I don’t mean sexually either, although there is that. It’s more the sense of belonging I feel with each of them. The way I was instantly comfortable in their presence. If she were here right now, I think I’d feel just as content as I do with just Blake.

“You really think it’s a good idea to ask her to be part of this?” Blake breaks the silence. “It won’t take away from what we have right now?”

I kiss the side of his neck as I get my words together. “I think we could miss out on something great if we ignore the signs.”

“What signs?” He twists his head so he can see my face.

“The ones that keep happening. Seriously?” I challenge his blank stare. “I’m not even the sign guy and I’m seeing them everywhere.” That’s not an easy thing to admit seeing as how I like to believe I’m in charge of my life, but even I have to acknowledge there have been far too many coincidences lately. “I don’t think we should ignore them.”

“What signs?” he repeats, a tiny crease separating his brows as he studies me.

“Well, for starters, I bumped into you in Utah of all places, and right after that Axel has a proposition for me that means living here—here being the spare room that lets us explore this thing we have at a pace you’re comfortable with.” When his expression doesn’t change, I continue. “Then theonewoman we both thought we could be serious about just movedhere.She gets the job that lets you leave the spa,here, in the random tiny town we’re in. What are the odds of jobs and living arrangements for three separate people who like each other aligning like that? You’re the sign guy, are you really not seeing what I’m seeing?”

“When you put it that way…” A smile tugs at the corner of his lip. “I guess maybe that’s too big a coincidence to just ignore.”

“Fuck yeah. And let’s not forget you didn’t just have the best orgasm of your lifeimaginingwhat it would be like to have her with us.”

“It was pretty phenomenal.” The tiny smile morphs into a dopey grin.

“That’s an understatement,” I snort. “You lost the ability to speak. Trust me when I say the real thing would be even better.”

“Yeah, but when you say the real thing, you don’t mean just inviting her to bed, you mean the three of us dating each other. That’s a lot more intense than just fucking.” His head flops back to rest on my shoulder.Shit, he’s back to feeling confused.

“I know you don’t see what I see yet, not completely,” I start, “but I think you might if you give it a try. And if I’m right, if it works between us, we’ll face the questions and the confusion people have together. I’m not saying that will make it easy, but none of us will be alone.”

Blake’s body relaxes into mine as he sighs. Picking up my hand, he threads his fingers through mine, letting them rest on his stomach. “Okay. I trust you.”

The breath I didn’t realize I was holding seeps out.Holy shit, signs are real.

Chapter 17


Thehoursthatnormallyfly by are dragging today, which I suspect is because I’m not focused on work. Instead, my mind is stuck in a loop, replaying the encounter with the two men I feel certain now know have both shared my bed.

I hope neither are the jealous, possessive type, otherwise my having slept with both of them could make living together awkward, and I wouldn’t want to come between roommates.

Roommates. Gah – how awkward is that? I’ve only indulged in sexy timestwicein the last year, but with those two guys living together they’re bound to think they’re two of many. Even though I’m not a prude, I hate the idea that they might think of me as loose. That’s not a reputation I want, particularly among the two men who hold a special place in my heart for the way they made me feel during our brief time together. And don’t even get me started on the fact that I’ll have to face one of those men every day at work. There’s literally no escape.

I want to kick and scream and cry over the fact that there are two people who meet my definition of the perfect guy right in front of me, yet neither of them is available. Yes, that makes me sound like someone who’s desperate for love, and yeah—who doesn’t want to find their person. But right now, I’d settle for just avoiding the same loneliness I came here to escape, and I’m not sure how to accomplish that in a love triangle.

Alright, that might be taking things too far. One night doesn’t equal love—logically, I know that. Emotionally, I’m stuck on feeling a connection that went beyond friendship with two people that I still want and could never choose between. I’m not sure that makes friendship with either of them even possible.

My fresh start is looking more and more like a disaster waiting to happen instead of a golden opportunity, which really frosts my Cheerios, as my sister likes to say in front of her kids.

Backtracking the path I just covered–because I was so lost in thought I ended up merely walking instead of critiquing how the trail is coming together–I compare what’s on the plans to what the crew has built.

This particular section contains several switchbacks—not the hairpin turns that will be on more challenging trails—but wider curves that will encourage riders to lean the bike and utilize the outer edge of the trail to maintain speed through the turn. That means the berms need to be several feet high, and I’m not sure they’re as tall as more experienced riders would like, because the taller the berm the faster you can whip around the corner. This is a green run though, so it might work as is. I’ll have to ride it to be sure, when we’re a little further along.
